Parents Can Be Hilarious, And These Tweets are Proof Of That Fact

Your mom or dad could be the next big comic star; you never know!

  • Published in Funny
Parents Can Be Hilarious, And These Tweets are Proof Of That Fact

While being a parent is one of the most underrated and challenging jobs of all, it does come with its perks, which include hilarious moments with your child. 

Children are fantastic and a source of joy in our lives. However, they occasionally test our patience to the limit. 

When dealing with them, it’s essential to have an active sense of humor. These parents have that in abundance and are making the best use of it. 

From stories of entertaining pranks, simple conversations, everyday activities, and even accidents that occur as a parent, these parents are not shy to share it all on Twitter.

It certainly helps to see these tweets, as they not only make you laugh but also remind you that you are not the only parent or child who has gone through an experience.

The internet is a vast place, and if you went on by yourself, searching for these tweets, you could easily get lost and miss the actual juicy bits. 

That is why we have compiled a collection of the most hilarious tweets we could find. After reading this, we bet you’d see that these parents are quite the jokesters. 

Let’s get right into it!

1. He found out the hard way.

1. He found out the hard

2. He passed the Dad exam with flying colors.

2. He passed the Dad exam with flying

3. “It’s only been like 15 minutes!”

3. “It’s only been like 15 minutes!”

4. Girls have got to stick together

4. Girls have got to stick

5. Kids say the darndest things.

5. Kids say the darndest

6. Now, that hurts.

6. Now, that

7. An awkward situation

7. An awkward

8. Lavender loses all its calming power when a kid is involved.

8. Lavender loses all its calming power when a kid is

9. Fussy eaters

9. Fussy

10. What happens when a kid smells weed for the first time.

10. What happens when a kid smells weed for the first

11. How you know your kid’s going to be an overthinker.

11. How you know your kid’s going to be an

12. Glad he caught it early.

12. Glad he caught it

13. The best game ever invented

13. The best game ever

14. Well, he’s not wrong. You said hands, you didn’t say anything about feet.

14. Well, he’s not wrong. You said hands, you didn’t say anything about

15. Designated Disc Jockey

15. Designated Disc

16. He got a hug from his mum. What more could anyone need, really?

16. He got a hug from his mum. What more could anyone need, really?

17. The kid’s got a point.

17. The kid’s got a

18. Don’t want to share? Here’s a new trick. You’re welcome!

18. Don’t want to share? Here’s a new trick. You’re welcome!

19. They never forget

19. They never

20. Humans are a different breed

20. Humans are a different

21. That’s one smart kid

21. That’s one smart

22. Saved for later

22. Saved for

23. She’s got a wedding to plan

23. She’s got a wedding to

24. The terrible teenage years

24. The terrible teenage

25. We need to take a lesson on self-love from this kid

25. We need to take a lesson on self-love from this

26. That kid is a winner in our books.

26. That kid is a winner in our

27. The woods sound like the only option

27. The woods sound like the only

28. “Are you sure I can’t bring them all?”

28. “Are you sure I can’t bring them all?”

29. Kids never mince words

29. Kids never mince

30. Too close for comfort

30. Too close for

31. Parenting 101

31. Parenting

32. No more excuses. “Traffic” can’t save you now

32. No more excuses. “Traffic” can’t save you

33. Proud mom moment

33. Proud mom

34. Warning: do not try this at home

34. Warning: do not try this at

35. What happens when your kid learns the wrong word?

35. What happens when your kid learns the wrong word?

We hope you enjoyed getting a peek into these parents’ lives. We sure did. 

If there is one thing we confirmed yet again, it’s that parenting can be as fun as it’s complicated. If you’re already a parent, we're sure you learned a thing or two about what happens in the lives of your fellow dads and mums.
