Viral Twitter Thread Has 20 People Sharing The Weird Food Habits They Have And They're Quite Ridiculous
Buckle up because it's about to get nasty in here

Consuming strange meal combinations is not new. Who said that peanut butter and fish sticks couldn't be combined after all?
However, strange eating practices frequently get even stranger than that. One striking phrase, brumotactillophoba, describes the terror that arises when different foods come into contact with one another.
It's startling how common this fear is. It's interesting to note that food psychologists believe this eating behavior to be a hangover from fussy eating in childhood.
Some people also fit the description of delayed gratifiers since they have a propensity to separate everything on their plate and eat the components in a particular order. The best-tasting ones are typically saved until last.
Fork stacking is another widespread eating behavior that involves cramming as much of everything as possible onto each bite. People prioritize having the perfect last bite while they eat.
Do you have a particular method for making meals that most people would find bizarre? Yes, of course, is the answer.
If your answer is "no," you've had too many meals by yourself. The post below is where it all began, with Kyle Patrick's personal discovery regarding Pop-Tarts.
After that, many offered to share their experiences with food-related horrors.The cutest responses to a widely shared tweet about buttering a Pop-Tart that got people chatting about strange eating customs are listed below.
So keep scrolling down to read the interesting ones we've gathered up for you.
This is where the whole thread started from...

After that, many offered to share their experiences with food-related horrors. The cutest responses to a widely shared tweet about buttering a Pop-Tart that got people chatting about strange eating customs are listed below:
1. Putting milk in a plastic water bottle

2. Getting past the incredible bulk and crunch

3. What this commenter didn't realize til college

4. It's delicious to them

5. Who's going to try this?

6. Everybody, here's a lettuce sandwich

7. That is definitely not normal

8. Eating all the sugar and butter

9. Wait, what did I just read?

10. Have you eaten this type of soup?

11. Eating the cliff bar balls separately

12. Here's this odd preference for a change

13. Eating the whole thing with the shell

14. Now my stomach is turning

15. This is getting more and more unbearable

16. Say what!

17. Eating pizza completely frozem

18. Microwaving cheese till it's a little crispy

19. Eating the stem with cherries only to find out it's not normal

20. Eating bowls of frozen peas and eating frosted flakes dry

Everywhere you go, there are bizarre ideas about cooking and strange cravings. We would all choose McDonald's if we were all the same. Dipping a Wendy's Frosty into a chicken sandwich is something else some people adore doing.
Well done as I'm hardly the strangest person, though but you can leave your own odd food habits in the comments section below.
