Cat Fanatic Asks Redditors What Is Their Favorite Thing Their Cats Do And The Answers Are On Point
This thread, as started by Reddit user u/failure-voxel, aims to know every cat owner's favorite thing which their cat does.

Are you a cat owner? If so, you have probably observed that your cat does many things.
Cats love to do lots of activities aside from climbing and playing. They would have their owners to pet them, scratch their backs gently, or give them belly rubs.
As very expressive animals, they usually do not hide their feelings. What a cat wants, a cat gets.
As much as your cat interacts with you, every owner needs to interact with them too. Whenever we are not around, they tend to be resting in their favorite locations.
Once their loving owners come home, these cats tend to become vocal with whatever they want to express. They can either show that they are hungry, needs some cuddling, or are just happy to see their beloved owners finally returning home to them.
The online community (specifically cat owners) was asked by one user about the favorite things, which they love their cats do. Many have responded and mostly are about their cats giving them cuddles and hugs.
Cats are heaven-sent. They give relief to their owners after a long day's stress and boost happy hormones.
Read the testimonies. Certainly, those who do not own a cat yet will decide to get one after reading this article.
This was the question as posted on Reddit:

Indeed, we could only wish all cats would pay their owners with much kindness.

The comment here says everything. Since the cat can't see, ergo, he thinks no one sees him.

Most cats love belly rubs.

This cat is a therapy cat. He helped his owner who had an eating disorder.

This cat waits for her owner patiently at the front door. She then rolls for belly rubs and is an ultimate stress buster.

Cats are good "alarm clocks".

Her cat bleps as a signal that she wants to be on her owner's lap.

Our feline friends will always be there whenever we are down.

Because they get happy when their owners are home.

Wet nose, cuddles, and mewing. Cats are just so sweet.

A cat's purring is a stress reliever. It's like music to every owner's ears.

It is comforting to know that the cat and puppy are getting along well. They are best of friends.

Perhaps she is doing that to "fill" the empty space.

Cats are truly great companions. How sweet is that?

Chewing his back toenails? That sounds gross and funny. Booty slaps are hilarious. Perhaps this cat is a human in his past life.

Having a cat who snuggles with you is so cute.

Ever heard of a farting cat? This is so hilarious!

This cat is so sociable.


The cat is saying, c'mon, pick me up, human!

What these cats do to their owners is so sweet. Whether they snuggle with them, wait by the main door for their owners to arrive, all are very touching gestures.
These are proof that cats are forever grateful creatures. While we show them our love, they are even more expressive of how affectionate they are to us.
What else could you ask for?
