Dog Owner Has Online Users Explain Why Her Dog Brings The Same Toy Onto The Couch

"Your pup has found its favorite toy."

Dog Owner Has Online Users Explain Why Her Dog Brings The Same Toy Onto The Couch

Dogs play favorites just like we do. Your beloved doggo is bound to gravitate toward their favorite human and their favorite toy!

Some people wonder: What makes their pets gravitate toward one toy over others?

Well, it's a mix of different things that tap into your furry friend's instincts and preferences. First of all, if a dog has a favorite scent that reminds them of stuff found outdoors, they will most likely be drawn to the toy.

Dogs are super sniffers, and they love toys that carry their scent or yours. It's like a security blanket for them, making the toy feel extra cozy and comforting.

They also like a specific mouthfeel or texture. Just like we enjoy different textures in our clothes or food, dogs have preferences, too.

Some pups love the soft, plush feel of a toy, while others go wild for the satisfying chew of rubber or nylon. Of course, we can't forget about the sound the toy produces and how much enjoyment it brings.

Toys that squeak or crinkle mimic the thrill of the hunt for your pup, keeping them engaged and entertained for hours. Size is also a factor.

Dogs like toys that fit their play style and size. Whether they're into fetching, tugging, or solo play, the right-sized toy is key to keeping them happy.

One Quora user suddenly noticed that their dog was bringing the same toy to the couch. She asks this question.

Why is my dog suddenly bringing the same dog toy onto the couch?

As you may have guessed, the original poster's pet just found its favorite dog toy.

The quick answer to the question? The dog decided on its favorite.

Your pup has found its favorite toy. ☺️ Depending on how old your dog is and “rough” it is on the toy, you may want to buy a few spares.
I say this from experience.
I have two shih tzu - littermates, a boy and girl. I bought dozens and dozens of toys for them almost from the beginning. And every few months I would take them all, toss them together and let them pick out which o es they wanted to keep out.
After a number of times, I began to notice that my little girl was taking out one particular toy every time. I tried fooling her by putting it back in the basket a few times. She would dig and dig through the toys looking for this one toy.
Well, like many young dogs, she would shake this toy (a stuffingless fox) like she was killing her prey. She also used to bite at it like she was tearing her meat apart. Needless to say, it began to look a bit old and worn.
And every time I would put it in the wash, she would sit and ignore every other toy.
Then she began bringing the toy to bed every night. In the morning after we went outside, she would return to the room to get her “foxy”. And she plays with it throughout the day.
She takes her “baby” with her wherever she goes to take a nap.
Needless to say, it really started to look worn, to the point that I began to wonder if I should toss it out. But knowing how attached she is to it, I bought another and swapped them out.
The first time, she sniffed at it over and over before snatching it and taking it with her. And that was that.
I put the old one away (I’ve kept the first favorite toy of all my dogs) and she’s happy with her baby.
Knowing how she is with her toys, I also bought several more.
I will keep a bunch in stock because you never know when they will stop making a toy. And I want to make sure she has “her baby” always.
The quick answer to the question? The dog decided on its favorite.gettyimages via

A user points out that soon enough, the doggo with a current favorite will have a new favorite.

Gosh, there are SO MANY reasons why he may be doing that! Just trust that he wants to do that now AND will probably change his/ her mind in the next few munutes!
Sometimes I just watch my dog for 20 minutes or so & wonder what’s on his mind! Once in a while he catches me doing that ...
A user points out that soon enough, the doggo with a current favorite will have a new favorite.cogdog via pixabay

The perfect example of a dog that changes its preference.

It may just be his favourite toy at the moment. My old dog had a box full of toys.
He often sorted through the box putting all of his toys on the floor. He then took one toy and played with it.
Sometimes he played with that particular toy for days or even weeks. He hadn't learnt how to put the discarded ones back , he left that to me!He then would suddenly become bored with that toy and get the whole box emptied on the floor again!
He carefully checked his toys until he found the one he wanted. Sometimes he would bring the toy to us and we played with him or he would just throw it around and chew it.
Occasionally if it was a real favourite he took it out when we went for a walk. He loved his toys.
The perfect example of a dog that changes its preference.Karolina Grabowska via Pexels

Favorite Toy = Security Blanket

They like the toy and want to play with it there, they think it’ll be safe from other dogs or pets there, they’re bringing up their security blanket to snuggle with you, or they want to play with you. It depends on whether or not they’re getting your attention with the toy or doing their own thing with it.
Either way, what a sweetheart!
Favorite Toy = Security Blanketcoelfen via

The dog is sending a message: "Let's play!" At least, this user believes so.

He is showing appreciation and perhaps asking you to play? Toss it and see if he bringing it back for another toss.
The dog is sending a message: chalabalaphotos

The doggo probably just wants quality time with its owner.

Your dog is communicating to you by bringing this toy. The toy symbolizes a time, memory when the two of you had good times, played.
Your dog needs you to realize that you could enjoy life again if you played with him/her as you did in the past.
The doggo probably just wants quality time with its owner.Kelatout via Pexels

Some say it's a clear sign that the toy has earned the title of "top dog" in the dog's heart. Others believe that it's just a playful invitation, a subtle hint from the OP's pupper saying, "Hey, let's have some fun together!"

Ultimately, it's up to the owner to make sense of the dog's behavior. After all, who knows her doggo better than she does?
