Creative Dog Lovers Have A Fun Conversation About What Their Pets' First Sentence Would Be
The common answer? "Feed me."

It's amazing how dogs can communicate with us and vice versa even though we don't speak the same language. But can they truly understand human speech?
When you ask your pet to “sit” or even “sid,” you’ll likely see the same adorable response: a happy pup sitting nicely. Recent research from Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary shows that dogs don’t focus on the specific sounds of words when they listen to us—it's all about the context and familiar commands.
Using a unique and gentle method, researchers observed how dogs react to different types of words: familiar commands like sit or stay, made-up words that sound similar to these commands, and completely unrelated made-up words.
The findings are fascinating! Dogs can quickly differentiate between a known command and a completely unfamiliar word, much like humans do. However, when a made-up word sounds like a known command, our furry friends don’t make a distinction.
In other words, the way they listen and learn about our speech is quite different from the way we do. But what if your dog eventually learns how to talk?
Over at Quora, someone started a cute conversation after asking this question:
If your dog could suddenly talk, what would his or her first sentence be?
Dogs are always hungry, they be like:

Owner shows the big difference between her two dogs.
If it’s first thing in the morning, my little girl wakes before I do, so her first words would be, “Mommy wake up, wake up, wake up. WAKE UP!” This would be said as she’s licking my face. 😂
With my boy, he’s my sleepy head, so his first words would be, “Turn the light off. I’m still sleepin’.” This would be said as he buries his face deeper in the blankets. 🤣

Aww! They're so sweet!
Depends on which dog … One would say “Don’t stop petting me for even a second” and the other one would say “I love you, I love you, I love you…just let me give you some more kisses!”

An owner believes her dog will be less annoyed at her.
Finally ! I can quit barking so much to get what I want and you won’t have to be so annoying by telling me to “be quiet”, “please shut up,” or “ go lie down.”

The most common response:
“Feed Me….”

One user specifically mentioned his dog's first sentence would be in a Kiwi accent.
As an American living in New Zealand, I was shocked to realise a couple of years ago that if Kirby could talk, he'd speak with a Kiwi accent.
So he'd say “Bruh, a tremp ’ud be sweet ez.”
Meaning “Brother, a long walk on a trail would be great.”

This doggo is gonna be so happy.

This doggo would cuss, just like some of us.
A few angry words 😂😂😂 my dog would cuss me out and I wouldn’t hear the end of it either 🤣
She would probably say “Why you so emotional” “You cry ALL THE TIME” 😂😂😂😂 “What medical appointment are you going to today?”
“You need to get rid of that little friend you have… I don’t like the way she treats you” ……. “You are late with feeding me and giving me water by 5 minutes…. where were you?” She’s a little diva and a fire cracker 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Some dogs come from overseas, so they either speak the language of their origin or speak English.
They are both hes. The big dude would ask for more food and the little one would ask for more toys..
I would also hope they would say :”I love you too”. They would both have accents, the Peke (yes. he does not have eyes) is a rescue from Iran & his first language is Farsi, but I don't speak that so he learned English.
The big hairy thing only speaks Spanish LOL! He came that way and I speak Spanish so it works.
I did not know, I discovered it a day or two after I adopted him. Sometimes the universe unfolds as it should.

Some doggos would probably complain about the cat.
If your dog could suddenly talk, what would his or her first sentence be?
He’d probably want to know why we have that damn cat.

It's so fun to think about the possibilities when the dog can talk. They're pretty much our best friends and important members of the family.
So if your dog could talk, it's like having a BFF with whom you can share all your secrets, discuss your wildest dreams, and enjoy endless conversations.
Their insights, loyalty, and love would deepen even further, making the bond between humans and canines an unparalleled treasure. Embracing this hypothetical reality is both exciting and heartwarming.
