Self-Proclaimed Canine Lover Gets Criticized By Dog Owners For Not Wanting To Pick Up Poop Ever
Picking up poop is just part of a dog owner's job.

Picking up after your dog isn't just a chore. It's part of a dog owner's responsibility.
The truth is that dog waste poses significant environmental risks, particularly in rural areas where some owners believe it can be left to decompose harmlessly. However, this misconception overlooks the ecological damage caused by the dense nutrients found in commercial pet foods, which can contaminate local water sources.
Studies show that pet waste contributes substantially to the rise in nitrogen and phosphorus levels in watersheds, endangering aquatic ecosystems and public health. Susan Freinkel, a prominent science writer, presents the alarming reality that even a small population of dogs can quickly contaminate vast stretches of water, leading to closures of recreational areas and shellfish harvesting sites.
So, as a responsible dog owner, pick up your dog's waste. It's essential for keeping our environment and communities healthy.
Over at Quora, a user was heavily criticized for not wanting to pick up dog's poop. He claims to be a dog lover, but doesn't want to pick up poop for the rest of his dog's life.
The original poster (OP) asked this question:
I love dogs but I dont want to pick up dog poop the rest of the dogs life. What should I do?
Let's take a look at people's responses.
Not picking up the poop will inconvenience neighbors.
It is possible to train a dog only to go in a specific place, for example a patch of your garden. But you would then need to clean that up or it would be intolerable to you and your neighbours.
So the only answer seems to be either not to have a dog or to get used to it. Millions of us do it every day.
We don’t have a dog, but when our neighbour’s dog comes to live with us while she is on holiday, that is a little chore we have to do, along with feeding him, walking him, giving him cuddles, keeping him warm etc etc etc.

The OP might need to reconsider his decision.
You are just one lazy human. Do not get any dog with that insane attitude.

What's harder than picking up dog poop? A passionate canine owner explains.
You could go hang out at a dog park and interact with other people's dogs. A lot of dogs are friendly and would allow you to pet them. And you'd get to watch them play.
You could volunteer at a shelter. If you had to pick up poo there, it would be only while you were working.
You could try to get a job at a dog salon giving baths and maybe learn to groom them.
You could make friends with someone who has a dog. That way you could play with someone else's dog.
Picking up after your dog isn't the worst thing about having a dog. It's pretty easy to do.
The worst thing is that you love them so very much but their lifespan is so short. Picking up poo once or twice a day is nothing.
I would have gladly picked up poo for an hour every day if my dogs could still be with me. Instead I picked up poo for maybe 5 minutes a day (multiple dogs in my household) it was no big deal.

A simple, straightforward advice.
Don’t get a dog.

Every pet owner cannot escape from this responsibility.
Whatever you do DO NOT ADOPT A DOG, or any other pet. Here’s my pit bull canoodling with his sister-wife Bernice, who’s a polydactyl cat.
They are very different but have one thing in common; I will need to deal with their feces until they die. It’s part of caring for ANY PET.
Others have recommended volunteering at a shelter but I am not sure that you can avoid cleaning up after dogs anywhere dogs exist.

Sure, the OP doesn't have to pick up poop. All he needs to do is to pay someone to do it!
Easy become rich get a dog and hire a 24hr poop picker upper. Or if you are beautiful find a mate get married and train mate to pick up all poop.
Or you can buy a square mile of land and build a run away from house that dog can be trained to poop in and leave it there. Or train dog to use toilet yes can definitely be done.
Other options are there but you need to work and make money or work to train dog. Poop is definitely going to come out of the dog at some point.

What a nice offer for the OP!
Don’t get a dog. Poop happens.
If you don’t want to be picking it up, your neighbors will be upset at you, and I wouldn’t blame them.
Alternatively, you could hire someone to follow you and your dog around to pick up the poop. I charge out at $500 an hour to do that, and I leave a trail of rose buds behind at no extra charge.

If the OP can't do this basic dog responsibility, then he shouldn't be owning a dog. One of the users was right.
Loving the dog and caring for it is the hardest part. Picking up the poop won't even take a minute.
Plus, if he doesn't clean up after his dog, he'll only be angering his neighbors. So it's better not to take on the responsibility of owning one at all.
