20 Crappy Projects Whose Designers Ought To Be Fired From Their Jobs

Prepare to snort your morning coffee out of your nose as we unveil a gallery of the most side-splittingly absurd design fails known to humanity.

  • Published in Funny
20 Crappy Projects Whose Designers Ought To Be Fired From Their Jobs

A famous quote among designers is by speaker and author Irene Au, who once said, “Good design is like a refrigerator – when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.” She wasn't kidding.

Remember those "easy open" packages? Those products that say "Tear Here," or "Pull Open?"

These things are a joke. They spend all this time, money, and energy thinking of packaging techniques when the consumer ends up having to use the scissors most of the time.

But bad designs aren't just limited to physical objects. They permeate our digital landscape, too.

Ever tried to navigate a website that feels like it was designed by a blindfolded chimp with a grudge against usability? You have to keep scrolling because the designer decided to put too much white space when it's not needed at all?

And they say it's all for the sake of sophistication and simplicity. They even want to make it futuristic.

And let's not forget about those user manuals written in a language that seems suspiciously similar to Martian. You might as well try deciphering ancient hieroglyphics for all the help they provide.

Well, we know you just want to be entertained. So, we've curated some of the most outrageous design fails shared online. Brace yourself for a wild ride through the world of design gone wrong.

Did the slide really have to be placed on the elephant's butt?

Did the slide really have to be placed on the elephant's butt?Reddit / unknown456

We wish you the best of luck accessing this website.

We wish you the best of luck accessing this website.Reddit / pizzalaat


Nope!Reddit / GoatAndYourMum

That is one scary menu.

That is one scary menu.Reddit / cbigsby

Good luck cleaning that carpet if that thing overflows or gets clogged.

Good luck cleaning that carpet if that thing overflows or gets clogged.Reddit / cbigsby

Why block the access for people using wheelchairs? What's the point of the ramp, then?

Why block the access for people using wheelchairs? What's the point of the ramp, then?Reddit / OfficialDampSquid

Whoever installed this fountain must have been on a "no-brainer" streak!

Whoever installed this fountain must have been on a Reddit / mojavecourier

You Miami? I Miami too!

You Miami? I Miami too!Reddit / comicfitz

We have a sneaky suspicion that this was on purpose.

We have a sneaky suspicion that this was on purpose.Reddit / noahmilam

Oh well. Watching all the action in the games is overrated.

Oh well. Watching all the action in the games is overrated.Reddit /rowan954

If only they closed the S.

If only they closed the S.Reddit / flieckster

Don't wanna smell that for sure!

Don't wanna smell that for sure!Reddit / cj8tacos123

Gross Cross.

Gross Cross.Reddit / beasterne

It was supposed to be the The Artsy Lifestyle, but someone had better ideas! Now it reads "Thea Rtsyli Festyle."

It was supposed to be the The Artsy Lifestyle, but someone had better ideas! Now it reads Reddit / Googlehai

Did you get it?

Did you get it?Reddit / GhostBetta

This is not that kind of place! It was supposed to read 1515.

This is not that kind of place! It was supposed to read 1515.Reddit / jordan460

Poop popsicles! Now in different flavors!

Poop popsicles! Now in different flavors!Reddit / kingtrash7

Nice work on completely missing the point of a closet!

Nice work on completely missing the point of a closet!Reddit / xEYoungx

We wonder if the driver knew this.

We wonder if the driver knew this.Reddit /Bossplot

How do you even read this?

How do you even read this?Reddit / kanye_euwest_

Now that you think about it, it is quite a pity people shelled out money for these stuff.

But at the very least, they all gave us a reason to laugh.

Now that you think about it, it is quite a pity people shelled out money for these stuff.Giphy

These projects truly remind us that even the most well-intentioned creations can go hilariously awry. So, as we chuckle at these design fails, let's also appreciate the ingenuity behind their unintended comedy and strive for a future where every design leaves us smiling, not scratching our heads.

And if you want to make someone chuckle, why not spread the hilarity by sharing this post with them?
