Here Are 50 Of The Worst Design Fails Of All Time That People Actually Came Up With

Design fails are always fun to look at, especially if you happen to notice them in person.

  • Published in Funny
Here Are 50 Of The Worst Design Fails Of All Time That People Actually Came Up With

People who work in design are very talented and they seem to have an eye for things that most people don't which is why they succeed so much in their careers and professions. That is until they don't succeed or until they make a silly mistake.

When it comes to the design of some things you'd think that it has to pass through multiple people to get approved, but it seems that some of these design fails didn't go through the proper chain of command. Reddit always seems to have many different threads where people are sharing entertaining things and today the thread is sharing design fails.

These design fails are almost too ridiculous to even think that people approved of this or went through with it without noticing the issue. The good thing is now we all can join together to laugh about these failures since someone decided to do them.

Reddit has come to give us some of the worst design choices ever whether we are talking about old designs, designs that just don't make sense, or designs that simply do not work. With all of this being said, we hope that you can get a laugh out of some of these design fails that we've compiled.

1. Well this isn't going to work.

1. Well this isn't going to work.casperfk

2. Traffic lights filled with snow means that nobody knows what the lights are showing.

2. Traffic lights filled with snow means that nobody knows what the lights are showing. Worst_Username_Evar

3. I'm sure this animal is supposed ot be eating, but that isn't what it looks like.

3. I'm sure this animal is supposed ot be eating, but that isn't what it looks like. bluecat81

4. This is a disturbing picture if you really look at it.

4. This is a disturbing picture if you really look at it. MemelordGod_

5. Is that supposed to be milk or orange juice?

5. Is that supposed to be milk or orange juice?Random_Average_Human

6. I mean at least they can't see your face.

6. I mean at least they can't see your face. ElShozaYT

7. Are we supposed to put the bowl in milk or milk in the bowl?

7. Are we supposed to put the bowl in milk or milk in the bowl?BierschissBernd

8. V is for...

8. V is for... scrollholio

9. I just have a feeling that it's probably a positive test she's looking at.

9. I just have a feeling that it's probably a positive test she's looking at. FantasticMacaron8732

10. I see no confusion possible at all.

10. I see no confusion possible at all.rtowne

11. This is the worst expiration date ever.

11. This is the worst expiration date ever. RT-Garbage

13. Yes, beautiful eyes, but definitely a more eye-catching smile.

13. Yes, beautiful eyes, but definitely a more eye-catching smile. mosti_shosho

13. This is just too confusing.

13. This is just too confusing. Reymont

14. This definitely won't help the blind.

14. This definitely won't help the blind. chasemynose

15. This is a fall waiting to happen.

15. This is a fall waiting to happen. jingojangobingoblerp

16. Is this supposed to be a giraffe?

16. Is this supposed to be a giraffe?crf865

17. Okay, ew.

17. Okay, ew. aBastardNoLonger

18. What in the Bella is going on here.

18. What in the Bella is going on here. Left-Income-5650

19. Well this is disappointing.

19. Well this is disappointing. Teillu

20. This is a no from me.

20. This is a no from me. ohgodnonotthesun

21. Why is this a thing?

21. Why is this a thing?spork117

22. This is the most beautiful art piece I've ever seen.

22. This is the most beautiful art piece I've ever seen. Spacecowboy947

23. This is a terrible design.

23. This is a terrible design. InappropriateTuesday

24. This looks like a funny filter.

24. This looks like a funny filter. YhanuMusic

25. We call this one "Shower Collage"

25. We call this one KarensVictim

26. This is yet another accident waiting to happen.

26. This is yet another accident waiting to happen. TheKitdriv

27. This must be a glitch.

27. This must be a glitch.BlessedCanadian

28. Whoever decided to do this is just plain rude.

28. Whoever decided to do this is just plain rude. BlueTexBird

29. I don't think this makes any sense.

29. I don't think this makes any sense. camstarrankin

30. That's a discreet peeping Tom area.

30. That's a discreet peeping Tom area. chonkey_nugget

31. Well this is interesting.

31. Well this is interesting. warm_farts

32. The handle is heavier than the pan.

32. The handle is heavier than the pan. dingopringo93

33. I don't even know what they're trying to say.

33. I don't even know what they're trying to say. Lonely-Series9604

34. Someone messed this up big time.

34. Someone messed this up big time. konformista1

35. This is one way to get hurt by a gnome.

35. This is one way to get hurt by a gnome. akulowaty

36. This would bother me so much.

36. This would bother me so much. datbirbdude

37. This maze has no escape.

37. This maze has no escape. Im_Isaac

38. This is an advertisement for a photo booth.

38. This is an advertisement for a photo booth. potato1234_x

39. Someone tell me how this is supposed to work.

39. Someone tell me how this is supposed to work. bdrnglm

40. Hulk might need to see a dentist.

40. Hulk might need to see a dentist. Miserable-Scallion87

41. This winter you can set your feet on fire.

41. This winter you can set your feet on fire. TehPurpleCod

42. I'd definitely be warm with this fire pit.

42. I'd definitely be warm with this fire pit. dieforestmusic

43. Let's just hope there is never an emergency.

43. Let's just hope there is never an emergency. hugh-__-janus

44. I'm sorry. Hidden what?

44. I'm sorry. Hidden what?Villan_99

45. Bus stop "shelter"

45. Bus stop Xanthon

46. Please the beans.

46. Please the beans. azreufadot

47. No room to even unzip my pants.

47. No room to even unzip my pants. NEFlamee

48. Perfect for those party poops.

48. Perfect for those party poops. stumu415

49. I don't know what they're trying to say.

49. I don't know what they're trying to say.Dofke132

50. Guess I can't go to work then.

50. Guess I can't go to work then. Twurtul

These design fails definitely brightened up my day a little bit and hopefully, they put a smile on your face. It's funny to see how some of these things went through multiple people and still ended up being a total fail.

Do you have any fails to add to this list that you've seen in your city?
