These 32 Brilliantly Wrong Test Answers Given By Kids Will Have You Rolling In Laughter
Kids really do say and write the silliest things

We all know that teaching requires a lot of labor. However, occasionally, that labor is accompanied by a tiny bit of much-needed humor.
We've all taken tests when we were younger and experienced the pressure of doing well on them. It goes without saying that during our careers, we've all given our fair share of incorrect answers.
Our teachers undoubtedly found them amusing, and we're pretty confident the incorrect answers you provided weren't as humorous as the ones we're going to show you in this post, regardless of your level of expertise. We're not sure if these children are really exceptionally ironic or if they were just misbehaving.
But before then, have you ever started grading papers and, after seeing a student's response, laughed so hard you almost fell off the chair? Well, this list has some hilarious kid test answers, and you can say it's the starter pack!
Kids don't only say the silliest things, as we all know. They also write them as responses to their tests, giving teachers unlimited amusement.
The replies these kids provided are by far the funniest things you will see today. Perhaps it was the tension or the fact that they were unable to respond to a question.
So buckle up and get ready because this road has some really funny bumps.
1. The x has been found

2. The American declaration of independence

3. This student took the question very seriously

4. Hey, you get a free press today

5. You want some or, now you have all of them

6. You are a racist if you classify living things

7. When you think about it, you'd have to agree

8. It's simple maths, people

9. This student doesn't want to swim with a chubby person

10. Just cancel out the one that doesn't make sense to you

11. Write away if you know the most appropriate answer

12. This teacher definitely got more than they bargained for

13. The only logical reason, according to this student is...

14. Just get up and deal with it, okay?

15. When people share something and everyone benefits from it

16. Think it with your brain and write down the answer

17. This student literally went along with the meaning of the word

18. The four types of sex cell have got some interesting answers

19. This student must have been studying the environment

20. For the person to clear the plate, then...

21. I can certainly do many things

22. When you don't have a sister

23. Girls don't find it attractive

24. The six animals in the Arctic

25. Sleeping with boss's wife

26. Jackman is my favourite hue

27. This kid isn't smiling

28. They really do have unusual names

29. As simple as that

30. A funny way to put it

31. The answer has me rolling

32. You won't find me here

We can't blame the clever and humorous test answers these students came up with using puns or reasoning. Although we are unaware of the motivations behind all of their amusing exam responses, we do know that their teacher most likely had to contain their laughter.
The difficult issue is whether or not a child should receive credit for providing the incorrect answers to a problem in a creative way. Leave your comments below and don't forget to share this post with your friends and family.
