45 Disney Memes Ahead Of Its 101st Founding Anniversary
Shamelessly collecting memes like Thanos collected infinity stones.

Disney has been bringing joy since its founding in October 1923 through their films, animated movies, TV shows, theme parks, and merchandise. If you can't trust the people known for establishing the "Happiest Place on Earth" to deliver fun, where else would we find it?
They have successfully cemented their place in pop culture because of their poignant works that are skillfully animated to boot. They've practically become as indestructible as their Marvel superheroes.
That's not to say that Disney hasn't faced its fair share of controversies and difficulties. The studio struggled to stay afloat after the Second World War.
It is said that their adaptation of Cinderella saved the studio from spiraling into oblivion — an unthinkable thought these days. They have been steadily rolling out classics and favorites ever since, although they have deviated from the stereotypical princess stories well-loved by many.
Disney's presence in our society goes beyond their shows and movies. They don't need to release anything new every month to stay relevant.
Fans who grew up loving Disney have done the footwork of spreading the studio's magic all over the internet. Some wax poetic about the impact of the movies on their lives, but others choose to show their appreciation by making fun of the films through memes!
1. It's a crossover episode!

2. How can they eat when they have all turned into furniture?

3. It's a tough choice. Would you rather have long, glowing hair but live with a witch? Or have short hair and be a princess?

4. LeFou keeps it spotless.

5. Stop wondering and ask the kids who did it!

6. Abuela sponsored the meme.

7. By "some," they mean millions of people all over the world.

8. It's a sustainable hobby.

9. Better hope he doesn't find the leverYzma left!

10. The best kind of competition. Lightning against himself!

11. Or you can live as a beautiful and full caterpillar.

12. Only way to spend your days off!

13. Seriously, why do they happen?

14. Tink is all about the drama.

15. No jokes, just facts.

16. It's not easy to sneak into the kitchen for a snack when you live with seven dwarves.

17. Do the monsters from Monsters, Inc. get visited by other beings in their sleep?

18. They're never making Finding Nemo 3.

19. Ask for the Toy Story Happy Meal.

20. I was so ready to call this 5-year-old a liar.

21. ...

22. He's in hiding before the release of his next album. It's tough to follow a banger like "Circle of Life."

23. This is a Phil Collins stan account.

24. This is how you make a great first impression on your partner's parents.

25. You must be able to handle all the sass!

26. The People's Princess!

27. Should have directed this movie instead...

28. Someone capable of waking up Bambi's mom.

29. Twitch stream idea!

30. Is everything just a reference to something else?

31. Look at fancypants over here with a house and a driveway!

32. Dad jokes always get me.

33. When a rat cooks in Ratatouille, it's an instant classic. If it happens in real life, you go viral and have a visit from health inspectors.

34. We are Atlantis truthers.

35. None of them were bewildered, which means Camilo does it regularly.

36. Can this be reworked into my contract?

37. He is a Disney prince. Arguments will not be entertained.

38. Why was this in a children's movie?

39. The OG!

40. Time for a Tarzan rewatch!

41. I would like to be a lamp.

42. It's how they stay rich.

43. Hey, at least he's famous enough to get a product deal in this realm.

44. If he takes things too far, you could say he goes the distance.

45. We are the target audience.

Disney should feel honored their works are "memed" far and wide. Their fans know their movies and shows well enough to find a connection in their daily lives.
These 45 memes aren't even a tenth of the online jokes made about Disney every day. Do you have a favorite Disney meme that wasn't on the list?
