20+ Photos of Cats And Dogs Being Absolutely Derpy Are The Best Thing Ever
You can always count on your pet to cheer you up when you are feeling down

You can always count on your pet to cheer you up when you are feeling down. But how do they do it? Are they being goofy completely unwillingly, or do it because they want to make us laugh? There are many theories, and none of them are conclusive. But is it important? Not even the slightest…
We expect dogs to be goofy because they are so playful all the time. Cats, on the other hand, are a complete surprise. You wouldn’t expect a creature so noble and elegant to act all derpy.
People love it when their pets are being goofy and love to share photos. Lucky us! We have collected some of the derpiest animals online, and we know you will love them.
1. What happened?

2. Turns out the snow was much colder than this cat expected

3. “Dad started putting in the new toilet. Walked away for a few minutes and came back to this.”

4. Not the doggie door?

5. “Wife sent this when picking up our dog after surgery today. Says he’s ’still under the influence’.”

6. TP attack.

7. Ok, and now for the hard part…

8. “My boyfriend is looking after my cat. He put the TV on and turned around to find this…”

9. “I turned around for 2 seconds and Salem decided to eat flour. Now he won’t stop sneezing.” Did no one tell you that it really does only take 2 seconds?"

Why do dogs act derpy? Stanley Coren Ph.D. says:” The playful, uninhibited nature of dogs generally reflects the fact that dogs have more or less juvenile minds. We have specifically bred them not to fully mature but to maintain a mind that is very similar to those of their wolf puppy forebears for their entire lives. The technical term for this is neoteny. It’s part of what makes dogs unconditionally loving companions who want to frolic and who, like puppies, do silly things that make us laugh.”
10. "My dog likes to fetch hair ties and hold them in his mouth, making him look like he’s wearing a grill.”

11. “My dog ran away. After hours of looking, I came home to this…”

12. “Apparently this is the face my dog makes when you pick him up.”

13. Dog down the slide....

14. Personal space? What is that?

15. Love my new tower!!!!

16. “He saw us feeding the ducks and pretended to be one…” Things we do for treats....

17. Not into selfies...

18. So tired...

19. A glass bed

20. Best friends forever

21. “My dog’s face through her favorite toy.”

22. I love Christmas!

23. How did this happen?
