32 Tweets Show That Life Is Full Of Fun And Hilarity When You Live With Cats

All cats are funny, period.

  • Published in Animals
32 Tweets Show That Life Is Full Of Fun And Hilarity When You Live With Cats

Cats are so good at giving their hoomans a very hard time. Still, we love them.

From their habits to their unique personalities, having one certainly makes your life full of fun. Ever encounter people say that cats are boring?

They're dead wrong. They obviously haven't spent enough time with felines.

Those of us who own (or being owned by) an adorable feline know too well that cats bring tons of humor to our lives. Among the things that make us laugh so hard is how they react to certain things.

Their predictability can be quite hilarious. Pull out feather toys and they'll certainly chase it, every single time.

They even love following us to the bathroom. And while we do our business, they'll just stare at us.

At the same time, our lovely felines have a tendency to be unpredictable too! One day they'll let us pet them, then on other days they run away and try to stay away from you.

Or may be you'll pull out his favorite toy one day. Then, for some odd reason, he completely ignores you and focus their attention on something else.

They are so funny enough to be shared to people on the internet. Today, we're showing you a compilation of the most hilarious tweets about cats.

1. She has set her priorities straight.

1. She has set her priorities straight.peachesanscream

2. The man in the house.

2. The man in the house.JustinGuarini

3. She's really broken hearted.

3. She's really broken hearted.TheDreamGhoul

4. That scary and mean stare.

4. That scary and mean stare.dafloydsta

5. The perfect way to celebrate a cat's birthday

5. The perfect way to celebrate a cat's birthdayNicCageMatch

6. Those eyes!

6. Those eyes!aimlessamers

7. When you're bored, you can snap moments like this.

7. When you're bored, you can snap moments like this.IamEnidColeslaw

8. Spoiled cat.

8. Spoiled cat.liz_buckley

9. Facebook ought to add this relationship status.

9. Facebook ought to add this relationship status.sosadtoday

10. That cat translator ain't working.

10. That cat translator ain't working.OtherDanOBrien

11. Cats are truly the ones who own homes, not us humans.

11. Cats are truly the ones who own homes, not us humans.terrycavanagh

12. Cats always have it better than us.

12. Cats always have it better than us.InternetHippo

13. What adopting a hairless cat truly means.

13. What adopting a hairless cat truly means.TurboGrandma

14. The real boss

14. The real bossHome_Halfway

15. This cat is looking forward to its inheritance.

15. This cat is looking forward to its inheritance.cloudypianos

16. Uh Oh!

16. Uh Oh!Pandamoanium

17. Even cat's won't deny it!

17. Even cat's won't deny it!MaraWritesStuff

18. When the cat tries to be some other animal.

18. When the cat tries to be some other animal.KalvinMacleod

19. They all do look alike, don't they?

19. They all do look alike, don't they?hibstermermaid

20. Trying to run away from the hooman.

20. Trying to run away from the hooman.sad_tree

21. Yolo says the cat.

21. Yolo says the cat.mrnickharvey

22. Quincaenera for the cat

22. Quincaenera for the catphranqueigh

23. That's just the way cats are. It can't be helped.

23. That's just the way cats are. It can't be helped.PetiteRainCity

24. Cats hate us, and there's nothing we can do about it.

24. Cats hate us, and there's nothing we can do about it.radtoria

25. When your computer gets hijacked by your cat.

25. When your computer gets hijacked by your cat.mollysoda

26. How mean!

26. How mean!CornOnTheGoblin

27. Designed for the cats.

27. Designed for the cats.mdob11

28. The way to find this lost cat

28. The way to find this lost catlazerdoov

29. That's a good idea!

29. That's a good idea!trumpetcake

30. Turning yourself in.

30. Turning yourself in.TheFunnyTeens

31. Can you relate?

31. Can you relate?SmartassChef

32. Getting to know each other.

32. Getting to know each other.Thynebear

The best thing about their hilarity is that they don't have clue about how funny they are.

You'll find cats in the strangest of places or sleeping in seemingly uncomfortable positions. To us humans, these behaviors are truly fun to look at.

When we laugh at them, they will probably wonder. Fortunately, they will never recognize their hilarious tendencies and keep doing the things they do.

Cats, for some reason, have their own sarcasm too! Try to cross a cat, and the only thing you'll get is their sassy attitude.

They're the masters of "I meant to do that," as well. You see them jump really high only to fall on the ground and then putting up their I-meant-to-do-that face.
