Redditors Asks Neighbor To Keep Her Worm-Filled Puppy Quarantined Because She Got Her Dog Infected, Doenst Get A Positive Reaction

" She thinks it's no big deal"

Redditors Asks Neighbor To Keep Her Worm-Filled Puppy Quarantined Because She Got Her Dog Infected, Doenst Get A Positive Reaction

Pet ownership brings on many responsibilities, and one of them is keeping our animal friends healthy. De-worming is one of the basic procedures in ensuring that our pets are thriving.

Some of the most common parasites we find in dogs are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and GRD. Intestinal parasites are a constant drain on your pet's system. We'll see things like diarrhea, and in severe cases, anemia, passing worms, and intestinal upset.

Luckily, they are easy to deal with. You give your dog some pills for a couple of days and they are gone.

But where do they go? Well, you know.

That creates another problem. It can be a potential hazard for other animals.

OP’s neighbors have a puppy that's going through a deworming procedure. They are using the same yard, so her dog got worms also.

She mentioned this to her neighbor and asked to keep their puppy in quarantine until the process is over. But, the neighbor doesn't think it is a big deal.

The dog goes outside, therefore worms are a definite concern. Any time pets are outdoors, they are exposed to worm eggs in feces left by other animals.

And it’s not just dogs… there are squirrels, raccoons, mice, rats…OP is assuming her dog absolutely got worms from the puppy and only the puppy.

Read the full story below:

OP asks:

OP asks:Reddit

Her neighbors have a puppy that's going through a de-worming procedure

Her neighbors have a puppy that's going through a de-worming procedureReddit

They are using the same yard, so her dog got worms also

They are using the same yard, so her dog got worms alsoReddit

She mentioned to her neighbor and asked to keep their puppy in quarantine until the process is over. but, the neighbor doesn't think it is a big deal.

She mentioned to her neighbor and asked to keep their puppy in quarantine until the process is over. but, the neighbor doesn't think it is a big deal.Reddit

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:Reddit

This may not be the case

This may not be the caseReddit

Anytime the pets are outside...

Anytime the pets are outside...Reddit

She should check her dog regularly.

She should check her dog regularly.Reddit

No angst and no finger pointing

No angst and no finger pointingReddit

OP says:

OP says:Reddit

She doesn't want any confrontation with her neighbors

She doesn't want any confrontation with her neighborsReddit

OP can't realistically expect to 100% prevent a dog from getting worms.

OP can't realistically expect to 100% prevent a dog from getting worms.Reddit

"Management by occasional but regular testing and treating as needed is the most reasonable strategy."


OP should've done prevention maintenance on the dog.

OP should've done prevention maintenance on the dog.Reddit

"Puppies shouldn't be in the grass until they've had all their parvo vaccines."


OP doesn't own the yard

OP doesn't own the yardReddit

The front yard may be the solution until the worms are gone

The front yard may be the solution until the worms are goneReddit

OP says:

OP says:Reddit

OP is assuming her dog absolutely got worms from the puppy and only the puppy.

OP is assuming her dog absolutely got worms from the puppy and only the puppy.Reddit

Any time pets are outdoors, they are exposed to worm eggs

Any time pets are outdoors, they are exposed to worm eggsReddit

The dog goes outside, therefore worms are a definite concern.

The dog goes outside, therefore worms are a definite concern.Reddit

Was OP right to ask her neighbor to keep her puppy quarantined until the deworming procedure was over? Well, it is hard to say.

She asked because she was angry her dog got worms. But deworming is one of the basic steps in maintaining your dog’s health, so she should have done it regardless of the dog’s condition.

So, looks like everyone is a bit of Ah here.
