Talented Photographer Gets Adopted By A Squirrel And Shares 22 Adorable Pictures Of It

An unplanned event turns into a beautiful lifetime journey

  • Published in Animals
Talented Photographer Gets Adopted By A Squirrel And Shares 22 Adorable Pictures Of It

It's not everyday we see animals that adopt humans so this is a very spectacular case. Meet Lucy Baum, the photographer who wasn't planning on adopting an orphaned squirrel.

Still, she was up at two in the morning giving this little critter puppy formula via a syringe. A five-week-old baby squirrel had scraped and chirped at the window of her basement office, hoping to find its mother.

The OP rushed outside to keep it off the road when she saw it turn and head for the street. When Lucy attempted to use her feet to guide it back to the garden, it hopped onto her sandal and remained there and her adoption was formalized.

I've never seen a baby squirrel, ever! Not only was it adorable, but it was also friendly, and had a personality that I kind of never even thought of squirrels as having. Oh, and they are really 'grippy'! I see squirrels scaling trees easily but you don't get a real sense of how incredible and effortless their grip is! "Little Twig" stuck to us like velcro as he climbed up our shirts and into our hoodies looking for a warm bed," Lucy shares.

The young Twig was eventually given a new home at a place that cares for abandoned animals. There, he will be content and safe until his 12-week release.

The photographer believed it was her responsibility to share this incredibly adorable content online so go ahead and enjoy!

1. Hi hoomans

1. Hi hoomanslucybaum

2. It's a beautiful day right?

2. It's a beautiful day right?lucybaum

3. Want to walk with me?

3. Want to walk with me?lucybaum

4. So adorable?

4. So adorable?lucybaum

5. That feels so warm

5. That feels so warmlucybaum

6. Upside down angle

6. Upside down anglelucybaum

7. I'm holding on

7. I'm holding onlucybaum

As a photographer based in Montreal, Lucy's areas of expertise include newborns, lifestyle families, and weddings. This was an unconventional baby portrait session that she couldn't resist!

Lucy made the decision to give Little Twig his own spotlight in front of the camera because he has such a large personality and is so adorable when he sleeps.

8. That is so comfy

8. That is so comfylucybaum

9. My hooman is pretty nice

9. My hooman is pretty nicelucybaum

10. And yes, I see you

10. And yes, I see youlucybaum

11. Oh no, not today

11. Oh no, not todaylucybaum

12. How are you today?

12. How are you today?lucybaum

13. It's a bright day

13. It's a bright daylucybaum

Like everyone else, the photographer is a sucker for cute animal photos, but she prefers to have more creative freedom than animal photography offers because it calls for a lot of handling, adjusting, and patience. She also likes the more relaxed vibe of weddings and families with small children or newborns.

Lucy also takes pleasure in the relationships with people she can meet thanks to her job.

14. Trying a white and black background

14. Trying a white and black backgroundlucybaum

15. Here is the little me

15. Here is the little melucybaum

16. Learning how to navigate life

16. Learning how to navigate lifelucybaum

17. It's the break of dawn

17. It's the break of dawnlucybaum

18. I'm just going to snuggle right here

18. I'm just going to snuggle right herelucybaum

19. Okay, leave my zone

19. Okay, leave my zonelucybaum

20. Let's play

20. Let's playlucybaum

21. Sleeping peacefully

21. Sleeping peacefullylucybaum

22. My natural habitat

22. My natural habitatlucybaum

Since Lucy's always been fascinated by people and their behavior, she found working on personal events to be more fascinating than working on commercial or product projects, where the elements are heavily staged and stylized. Through this job route, she gets to explore her human attraction to the "realness" of real events and people documented in photography.

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More info: lucybaumphotographer.com | Instagram | Facebook
