Dog Owners Unveil True Reasons Why Dogs Choose To Turn Their Backs On Their Beloved Owners While Seated Nearby

It's a dog's expression of love and trust.

Dog Owners Unveil True Reasons Why Dogs Choose To Turn Their Backs On Their Beloved Owners While Seated Nearby

When you've been with your dog long enough, you'll begin to notice a certain habit. When they're sitting close, they'll turn their back on you.

Have you always wondered why they do this? For us humans, turning our backs on someone means we don't want to talk to that person.

It can even be a sign of disinterest or even aloofness. But it's a different case for dogs.

When your dog snuggles up and then gently rotates, it's actually their way of saying, "I trust you completely." You see, in the animal kingdom, exposing your back is a vulnerable move.

But when your dog does it, it's a declaration of friendship and trust. It's their way of saying, "I feel safe with you, so go ahead and give me a pat or a scratch!"

There might be a slightly self-serving aspect to your dog when he presents you with his back. Just like us, there are those hard-to-reach spots on our bodies that itch and demand attention.

We resort to rubbing against walls, twisting ourselves into peculiar positions, or employing long wooden spoons to alleviate that nagging itch on our backs. But your dog? He's got a more direct approach.

He simply positions his back in front of us and patiently waits. And if you're curious about what other dog owners say on the matter, let's take a look at the responses to this Quora question:

Why does my dog sit behind me on the couch, right against my back? Does he respect me?

It's an expression of love.

I believe it’s a combination of reasons. It’s love., it shows that your dog feels comfort and secure touching you, It shows your dog wants to be protected by you, and wants to protect you as well.
These are only theories, but whatever their reasons aren’t we lucky that they feel this way?
It's an expression of love.alenaozerova

They just want to get close to their hooman.

Your dog wants to be close to you. Being tucked behind you on the couch is the best way to ensure he wont fall off and still get all the full body cuddles he could desire.
This has nothing to do with respect or lack of respect… and everything to do with the desire to be as close to you as possible.
They just want to get close to their hooman.Mirida

It's all about respect and comfort.

Not only does he respect you it sounds like he finds your presence comforting and a sense of security.
It's all about respect and comfort.gettysignature

Being close to you is a comfortable position for them.

Your dog sits behind you on you couch because he enjoys being close to you and finds this position comfortable. Dogs, like humans enjoy being comfortable, and will find positions and locations that work well for them.
Your dog likes sitting/laying behind your back on the couch.
The way that your dog sits/lays with you has nothing to do with respect. Respect shown by an animal is not an “if this then that….” scenario.
There is no direct correlation between a dogs behavior and his/her level of respect for you. For example, your dog may chew up your socks and destroy them, but still respect you.
This is because your dog does not view destroying your socks as a sign of disrespect. A dog who does this likely enjoys the taste and smell of his human's socks, and even feels closerr to his,/her human when chewing them because they contain his/her human's scents.
In addition, a dog may obey his/her owner, but not respect him/her. He/she may simply choose to obey because the other options don't produce good results for him/her.
If your dog loves and respects you, you will know this in your heart, not by a measure of behavior.
Being close to you is a comfortable position for them.Ron Lach via Pexels

He protec, but most importantly, he got your bac.

I believe it’s a combination of reasons. It’s love., it shows that your dog feels comfort and secure touching you, It shows your dog wants to be protected by you, and wants to protect you as well.
These are only theories, but whatever their reasons aren’t we lucky that they feel this way?
He protec, but most importantly, he got your bac.PicsbyFran

He feels safe.

I am typing this with my chihuahua laying in the exact position described. He is behind me on the couch nestled against my upper back with his head on my shoulder.
I asked my dog training instructor this exact question and he informed it is because your dog feels safe there, it is warm and he is close to you. It is a matter of comfort both mentally and physically as well as a display of affection.
He feels safe.studiomexico

Apparently, this kind of behavior has a name.

I have heard this type of behaviour called “posting.” Similar to military, it has been compared with “having your back” or protecting your vulnerable side.
Apparently, this kind of behavior has a name.dimaberlinphotos

It depends on the dog's intention.

Depends on his behaviour.
If it’s somewhere he regularly goes to have a nap with his master & it doesn’t cause you any problems he is showing affection & loyalty.
If he’s preventing you from sitting properly, or actively trying to push you off the couch he is trying to assert dominance.
Your call!
It depends on the dog's intention.Karolina Grabowska via Pexels

A cute and heartwarming story.

I have a friend who has four dogs, one of which is a beautiful, tri-color Australian Sheepdog. His name is “Jake.”
My friend has a large and comfortable chair which is where she sits when she has time to sit down. Not long after she has taken her seat, here comes Jake.
He sits in front of her, just giving her that Aussie “look.” She ignores him.
He puts his front paws on her lap, still giving her the look. She ignores him.
Finally, he walks around the back of the chair, puts his paws on the arm, and seriously looks at her. She ignores him.
It is time. He vaults onto the chair behind her.
She might choose that moment to lean a little bit forward.
He sighs. He is one very beautiful, very happy Aussie who is where he most longs to be.
A cute and heartwarming story.gettyimages

"A love thing"

I had a small sofa, here in the UK called a cuddle seat, it’s basically 1 1/2 seats. Not big enough to stretch out on for me and my dog or so I thought, so I bought a two seat sofa (small house).
What does my dog do? She gets around behind me then squirms down my side between the arm and me so we’re still sitting close together.
Then she goes to sleep very happy. Its just a love thing!

When your beloved pet turns his back on you, it's his way of showing love. It's a sweet gesture that speaks volumes about the trust and respect he has for you.

And if you feel like giving him a little scratch in that unreachable spot, he'll be over the moon with gratitude! It's these simple moments of connection that deepen the bond between you and your beloved pet.
