Mom Adopts Cat For Her Daughter Only To Fall So In Love With The Pet She Couldn't Stop Sharing Wholesome Cat Memes Afterward

These are feel-good, inspiring kitten memes that will brighten up your day.

  • Published in Animals
Mom Adopts Cat For Her Daughter Only To Fall So In Love With The Pet She Couldn't Stop Sharing Wholesome Cat Memes Afterward

Do you know those parents who find memes and can't get enough of them? Not just that, they make sure to send it to anyone they can.

Those mothers are familiar to us because they are the mothers we have. This is exactly what becomes your fate – to be a meme interpreter.

And you have to explain it to your mom every time she doesn’t understand a particular meme. But it's been fine; there haven't been too many meme-related disruptions.

Well, not until one particular mom chose to adopt a little kitten for her daughter, and since then, everyone in the family has been bombarded with wholesome cat memes all day and every single day. Her daughter never thought for a moment that her mom would ever get along with the kitten, but she has fallen head over heels in love with this new kitten.

And, despite a huge load of cat memes, we still can't bring ourselves to be angry. After all, the moms and the memes are just so wholesome.

As a result, we wanted to share a few of them with you. Why? Because you also need some feel-good, inspiring kitten memes in your life.

The majority of the memes we've received from our mothers have been similar to the ones you’ll get to see below. They are colorful, wholesome, feel-good, and brimming with motivational words.

Mom has fallen in love with this new kitten so quickly and so intensely

Mom has fallen in love with this new kitten so quickly and so intenselyAmeliaAngelea

My new favorite photo of my mom

My new favorite photo of my mommilliedollar

Then there's this type of meme which she often sends, but one of the first things she sent was this particular one above. The mom shared it in the family’s group chat along with a little caption that said "me."

Then she sent them a picture of herself gently looking at their new kitten so lovingly and "it was awesome. Aw awwed."

Mom now sends a barrage of cat memes

Mom now sends a barrage of cat memeskiwiwee

That brace cat decides a chance

That brace cat decides a chancemilliedollar

So far, we think this mom has been able to locate them somewhere on the internet. In fact, the family dreads and still looks forward to the day when this mom realizes that she can actually photograph their actual cat and cover it in notes like the ones she sends.

Enjoy some more cat memes below!

You need these feel good inspirational cat memes in your life

You need these feel good inspirational cat memes in your lifetrixxedheart

Some of the memes mom sends look like this...

Some of the memes mom sends look like this...ActionLlama

Aren't you an adorable little one? Yes, I am...

Aren't you an adorable little one? Yes, I am...ActionLlama

Oh, I love you too

Oh, I love you tooeldesUpvoteDog

You certainly deserve all the happiness

You certainly deserve all the happinessDodderingCommandant97

Lol... Maybe you just have to poop

Lol... Maybe you just have to poopsoyamin

Come and join me for more cuddles

Come and join me for more cuddlesFishingForAlbert

This particular meme will warm your heart

This particular meme will warm your heart@sauoyloveme

And the look of surprise sets in

And the look of surprise sets inFishingForAlbert

It's you and me forever, my love...

It's you and me forever, my love...@lovememes.x

I'd give you a huge hug right back

I'd give you a huge hug right back@lovememes.x

I want you hug you forever... So sweet

I want you hug you forever... So sweet@memesyuh

My love and affection is going to be all over you

My love and affection is going to be all over youFishingForAlbert

Cats have a way of bringing people close to them, even when you don't like them, and that is one of their general attributes. This mom initially did not get along with the newly arrived kitten, but as time went on, she fell in love with the cat.

So when cats are the central theme of memes, it's totally enjoyable for the person viewing them.
