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It all started with the question: "Do you allow your dog to lay on the couch?"
Just like us, dogs have a deep appreciation for comfort. They seek out places where they feel safe, cozy, and cherished—oftentimes right by our side.
Our furry friends understand that the couch and other furniture are typically reserved for humans, and they perceive these spots as sacred and inviting. It's no wonder your dog wants to snuggle up on your bed or curl onto the couch; they simply adore the sensation and the familiarity of these cozy spots.
For dogs, lounging on the floor might not hold the same appeal—it's just part of their canine casualness. Plus, dogs are incredibly empathetic creatures who thrive on being close to their human pack.
If you're relaxing on the couch or catching some Z's in bed, your dog naturally wants to be where you are. Being on the floor might make them feel a bit disconnected from their beloved human companions.
Most dogs relish being in the company of their owners; they're loyal companions who instinctively gravitate towards their pack leaders. If you feel your furry friend could benefit from some floor time, gentle training and positive reinforcement can help.
Spending quality time with your dog on the floor, providing a comfy bed area, and using treats for encouragement can all contribute to a smooth transition. Ultimately, whether on furniture or the floor, your dog's primary desire is to feel comfortable and cherished in your presence.
In today's post, we'll explore whether owners allow their dogs on the couch or not. Some even admit that they've surrendered because they know who the true boss of the house is.
No, we never let our last dog lay on the couch. It was one of the rules we had, and we tried to be strict with him. He just ignored the rules and did as he pleased.
He also wasn’t allowed upstairs on the beds. Again, he did as he pleased.
Jack died in 2012, aged 16 years old. We still miss him.
Talking about that almost forgot it's the old wisemans 3rd bday 😁 🎊 happy b day baxxty baxx aka Baxter 😁
Yes, it has been my practise to let my dogs lay on my couch. I currently dont have a couch but temporarily have two recliners. My little dog has claimed the old one.
My dog is allowed on our leather couch by invitation only. The fabric couch is out of bounds. He was trained not to lay on a couch without permission.
Absolutely. But that is my personal preference.
If you are a person that does not mind your furniture being covered with dog hair, cushions rumpled, throws or afghans made into a nest, then absolutely let your dog be as comfortable as you are.
However, if your preference is for neat clean orderly, then train your dog to stay in its place. Provide a comfortable bed or other comfortable place to lie down.. But be sure to be near you because that is where your dog most wants to be.
Yes, absolutely! I allow my dog to lay on the couch. In fact, my furry friend has become the king of the couch in our household.
I've always believed in creating a warm and loving environment for my pet, and allowing him on the couch is just one of the ways I do that.
Now, I know some people might have reservations about this, worrying about their dog's behavior or potential messes. But, let me tell you, it's all about setting boundaries and training.
When I first brought my dog home, we established a clear understanding that he is welcome on the couch, but only when invited. This way, he knows not to jump up whenever he pleases.
As for messes, yes, accidents can happen. But regular grooming and maintaining good hygiene practices for my pup ensures that this is never really an issue. I always make sure to clean the couch regularly to keep it fresh and tidy.
But let's get back to the main point - having my dog on the couch brings us closer. There's something incredibly comforting about cuddling up together, especially after a long day. It's a time for us to relax, bond, watch TV or even enjoy a cozy nap.
Plus, seeing the happiness in his eyes when he snuggles up beside me is priceless.
Now, I do understand that letting your dog on the couch might not be for everyone. Every pet owner is different, and there's no right or wrong answer here.
But for me and my furry companion, it's a definite yes. So go ahead, let your pup on the couch if that's what brings you both joy and comfort. After all, our dogs deserve a little luxury too!
Yes, of course. If you are worried about the hair getting on the couch, put some beach towels on it. The dog gets to lay wherever he wants to.
absolutely. they also snuggle at bedtime. btw my 3 dogs weighed 65, 90, and 180 pounds. their place was always at my side wherever I was. bathe weekly and they always smell great 🥰
There's a certain charm seen in dogs who think they're the owner of the house and get cozy on the couch despite being told not to by their owners. Some owners give up and let their dogs have it their way.
Ultimately, it's the owner's decision to let it slide or not.