Dog Lover's Belief That Canines Always Win Against Cats Gets Shot Down By Online Users

"I’ve seen dogs lose badly to cats - depends on the dog and the circumstances as well as the cat."

  • Published in Animals
Dog Lover's Belief That Canines Always Win Against Cats Gets Shot Down By Online Users

Dogs are generally stronger than cats when going on a pound-for-pound basis. Canines, especially the bigger ones, often pack more muscle, strength, and stamina than felines of similar size.

Through selective breeding for diverse purposes, such as strength and work tasks, dogs have developed a broad spectrum of physical abilities and sizes across different breeds. But cats are super agile and have some cool tricks up their sleeves.

They have retractable claws and a powerful bite for their size, which makes them pretty awesome hunters too. When it comes to short bursts of speed, cats are the clear winners.

Cats have evolved as predators and are well-known for their quick acceleration and agility. They can sprint at impressive speeds, often reaching 30 to 35 miles an hour (or 48 to 56 kilometers an hour) in short bursts.

Cats also have an incredible mix of strength and agility considering their size. Their muscles are built for sudden bursts of power, which helps them excel at hunting and climbing.

While it's tough to measure their strength precisely, cats are famous for leaping many times their body length in one go and effortlessly scaling vertical surfaces. But no matter what science says, some people believe what they want to believe.

At Quora, a user, who regards that dogs are stronger, is curious about who would emerge victorious in a showdown between a cat and a dog. Let's take a look at the community's comments and stories.

People have seen dogs losing to cats.

Nope. I’ve seen dogs lose badly to cats - depends on the dog and the circumstances as well as the cat.

A mid sized dog that often roamed our neighborhood when I was a kid made the mistake of trotting across the lawn onto the carport where our tabby cat was sunning herself in a corner.

I don’t know if he actually tried to harm her or not - there was a low wall blocking some of my view, but there was hissing, snarling, screaming and then the dog ran out across the lawn with the cat riding its head.

She had her front claws hooked behind the ears, her jaws buried in the forehead and the hind claws were raking ribbons off the snout. Poor dog.

She let go and dropped off once he was on the road. He ran off crying and she sauntered back to her sunny spot to groom herself and tidy up again.

Any dog inexperienced or inept enough to corner a cat is likely to get the same treatment from most cats.

People have seen dogs losing to cats.anastas404734672

Cats are fiercer than dogs.

Most cats can defend themselves from single dogs fairly well! A pair of coyotes, though, can often win a hunt with a cat!

Encounters between cat and dog often go to the cat when the dog decides not to challenge those spitting and hissing furry teeth and claws or the cat jumps high out of range of the dog!

Cats are often faster and more fierce than the dog!

Cats are fiercer than dogs.gettyimages

There are tons of videos of Rottweilers and cats on YouTube. It's the latter that mostly wins.

Uhhm, haven't you watched YouTube videos of encounters between the “widdle puddy-cats” and the “big, bad Rottweilers"?

The latter are RAREly the winners.

There are tons of videos of Rottweilers and cats on YouTube. It's the latter that mostly wins.gettysignature

Strength alone won't make dogs victorious over cats.

Dogs and cats are both incredible animals with unique strengths and abilities. However, when it comes to physical strength, dogs do have an advantage over cats.

This is due to their genetic makeup and evolutionary history.

Dogs are descendants of wolves, which were pack animals that relied on strength and teamwork to hunt and survive in the wild. As a result, dogs have retained this strength and athleticism, making them inherently stronger than cats.

They also have larger and more muscular bodies, which give them an edge in physical confrontations.

On the other hand, cats are descendants of solitary hunters, such as the African wildcat. They have evolved to be more agile and quick rather than strong, as they relied on stealth and speed to catch their prey.

This means that while cats may be more graceful and agile, they are not as physically strong as dogs.

However, it is important to note that strength is not the only factor in determining the outcome of a dog vs. cat confrontation. Cats are known for their sharp claws and quick reflexes, which can be deadly weapons against a dog.

Additionally, a cat's smaller size and agility can allow them to outmaneuver a dog and escape a fight.

In conclusion, while dogs may have a natural advantage in terms of strength, the outcome of a dog vs. cat confrontation is not always predictable. Each animal has its own unique strengths and abilities, and the winner would depend on various factors such as size, agility, and individual personalities.

If you want to learn more about the differences between dogs and cats, check out the link in our bio for an interesting article on the topic. You might be surprised by some of the other ways these two animals differ!

Strength alone won't make dogs victorious over cats.gettyimages

The cat obviously won here.

Nope! Cats can be very intimidating if they want to be.

So I had this cat who was a fighter.

She got sick one summer. So she was chilling on the stairs of our porch.

Just trying to get some rest. A huge black dog comes to the porch.

The cat stands up and looks at him. The dog does not seem to get a clue.

So the cat arches her back and hisses. The dog approaches and barks.

Oh dear! The cat jumped.

She put her claws right into the dogs chest in a way the dog could not reach with the teeth and that was real painful. So the dog yelp and ran dragging the cat attached to it’s chest for like 3 meters.

Until the cat decided the dog had enough. We did not see that dog near the house again.

So yea depends on a cat.

The cat obviously won here.gettyimages

So, in the grand debate of cats versus dogs, it often seems like cats come out on top, thanks to their special skills. With their nimbleness and clever instincts, they tend to outsmart and outmaneuver their doggy opponents in many situations.

But regardless of who comes out on top between cats and dogs, it's just not something we want to see – them fighting and getting hurt. Keeping the peace is always the best.
