Deadbeat Dad Takes Offense When Daughter Chooses Her Mom to Walk Her Down the Aisle
The dad was never involved in his daughter's life but he believes they should both walk her down the aisle.
- Published in Interesting
OP's story unfolds with an introduction to her complicated relationship with her father. From a tender age, she sensed a growing disconnect between them. Her father's attention waned as her younger sister entered the picture, a shift that left her feeling overlooked and unimportant.
The family's woes deepened as OP's father disengaged from their lives. He failed to provide emotional support, financial stability, or even basic sustenance. The family often struggled to put food on the table, sometimes resorting to scavenger hunts for spare change to afford bread and milk.
While not physically abusive, OP's father was emotionally cruel and manipulative. He used hurtful language and intimidation as tools of control.
The family endured endless fights between OP's parents, with her father consistently blaming her mother for everything. The burden of secrecy weighed heavily on them all. When it came to acquiring necessities like clothes or shoes, OP's mother had to go to great lengths to avoid triggering her husband's anger, hiding receipts and even lying about prices.
OP's suspicion that her father was cheating on her mother took root at age 12. Her relentless pursuit of the truth led her on a six-year journey, culminating in a shocking revelation.
She and her sister unearthed evidence of his affairs, explicit images, and even a classmate's involvement. This revelation was a turning point that would forever alter their family dynamics.
Armed with this evidence, OP and her sister confronted their mother, who was initially in disbelief and denial. However, the truth could not be denied, and her mother took decisive action. Divorce proceedings commenced, and their father was expelled from their lives, a period marked by threats and harassment.
Now, nine years have passed since that tumultuous time, and OP's father seeks reentry into her life, raising difficult questions about forgiveness, boundaries, and whether he deserves a place at her upcoming wedding.
OP's decision to have her mother walk her down the aisle is an affirmation of the woman who has been her mainstay. She refuses to allow her father to overshadow her mother, whose unwavering support has carried them through the years.
OP has a deep hatred for her father who lost interest in her when her sister was born
u/fae_lamnidaeOP's father was never involved in his daughter's lives
u/fae_lamnidaeThe father wasn't violent but he was verbally abusive and manipulative
u/fae_lamnidaeWhen OP was 12 years old, she started growing suspicious that he was cheating on her mom
u/fae_lamnidaeAfter 6 years, OP and her sister managed to collect enough evidence of him cheating
u/fae_lamnidaeIt's been 9 years since all of that happened and OP is the only one in contact with him
u/fae_lamnidaeOP's father was furious after finding out that he won't be the one to walk her down the aisle at her upcoming wedding
u/fae_lamnidaeAn easy decision to make
u/CastOfKillersHigh probability of him causing a scene
u/Far-Ad1450The perfect prank
u/AmadaiOP's story serves as a reminder that healing from a traumatic past is a personal journey. It takes time, self-reflection, and sometimes difficult decisions.
Through her narrative, OP demonstrates remarkable resilience. She has confronted her painful past, set boundaries, and made choices that prioritize her well-being.
There's no reason why her father should be the one to walk her down the aisle and he should be happy that he's allowed to attend the wedding at all.