Curious Online User Wants To Know If It's Bad For Dogs To Not Have Fellow Canine As Companion
![Curious Online User Wants To Know If It's Bad For Dogs To Not Have Fellow Canine As Companion](
Bless Tumblr users and their sense of humor!
If you haven't made your way around to the major blogging website, Tumblr, then you are definitely missing out. This rings especially true if you love cats because there are few things Tumblr loves in this world as much as cats. There's blogs dedicated to cats, users dedicated to cats, and more posts than you can even imagine... all about cats. Cats, cats, CATS!
Beyond the cute fluffy kitten pictures, fun and amusing gifs, and simply endearing videos, by far the best part of the Tumblr-Cat universe is the humor. Tumblr users are the absolute best at nailing the sense of humor that appeals to cat lovers. And yes, we can put our money where our mouth is on this one! I sincerely doubt you'll make it to the end without cracking a smile and sharing a chuckle but you're most likely going to laugh until it hurts!
And then there are the rest of the cats. They do this.
Do you know how many females will see this and immediately say, "me." I'll give you a hint: a lot.
Seriously, there are videos of tigers playing with boxes. All cats are the same. THE SAME.
Yes, science.
No, that's not how cats work.
This cat takes that seriously.
We just need a tiny organ placed in front of the kitty.
Meanwhile my date night involves Netflix, pizza delivery, and minimal pants. These cats have more romance than I do.
I wish someone would plunge for kitty.
There are few cat related jokes on the Internet as good as this one.
No cat parent wants to have it but many have to.
One less cookie to eat, one more cookie to love forever.
Please unplug the kitty because staying plugged in is actually bad for battery life.
A group of cats is called a "clowder." Do not google "gang of cats," though, because you will get very different results than "group" of cats.
"Teacher goals."
She has good taste in fine art.