This Rainbow-Colored Bird Will Magically Fill Your Heart With Its Cuteness

The white-browed tit-warbler is a tiny, beautifully colored bird.

  • Published in Animals
This Rainbow-Colored Bird Will Magically Fill Your Heart With Its Cuteness

If you thought that you had seen all the beauty of the world, well, think again. This bird will definitely assure you that you still have a lot more to see of nature's beauty and sweetness.

Its magical appearance will make you wonder how it's possible to be so perfect. Staring at its magnificent look is a pretty much regular occurrence that this bird causes, don't say we didn't warn you.

Its name is the White-browed tit-warbler (Leptopoecile sophiae) and is a part of the family Aegithalidae. It is a songbird that belongs to the group of birds known for their moderately long tails.

Their plumages are vibrantly colored with characteristic purple-blue underparts and striking white eyebrows. It has a light brown crown, pinkish belly, and violet-blue ramp and tail.

All these colors make them look as outstanding as they are. The plumage's colors are perfectly blended into each other, so when it moves, it creates a beautiful rainbow pattern of colors.

Looking at it, you won't believe that such a tiny birdie can be so magnificent. It reaches a length of 8.5 – 10 cm or 3.3 – 3.9 inches, and its weight is just 6 – 8 grams or 0.21 – 0.28 ounces.

This lovely tiny bird of beautiful rainbow-colored plumages leaves everyone breathless. Take a look at the White-browed tit-warbler below and see for yourself how magical it is.

Meet the White-browed tit-warbler

Meet the White-browed tit-warblertatiana_menshikova_kg

Its natural habitat is coniferous forest, specifically forest consisting of larches, pines, and spruces.

They move to lower elevations in the winter. It can be located in Tian Shan and central China, the Himalayas, the Tibetan Plateau, and Northwest China.

Its natural habitat is coniferous forest, specifically forest consisting of larches, pines, and spruces.gilgit2

They live with their mate during the mating season, and when the season is over, they usually join the flocks.

Their breeding season starts in early April and lasts until the end of July.

They live with their mate during the mating season, and when the season is over, they usually join the flocks.gilgit2

They are monogamous.

Males and females share their nesting duties, and they make a nest in the period of two weeks. They built a shape-dome nest, about nine meters above ground in the shrubs.

Female usually lays 4-6 eggs, but it has been observed up to nine. The egg's approximate weight is about 1.14g, and the dimension of 15mm X 11,6mm.

The incubation period lasts about 20days. In the first week of newborns' life, their sex is not identifiable until around seven days old, when they also open their eyes.

They are monogamous.Tim Melling

Like many others bird species, females are generally duller, and they have striking pale underparts feathers.

Like many others bird species, females are generally duller, and they have striking pale underparts feathers.As kannan – CC BY-SA 4.0

They usually feed on smallish spiders and other minor insects.

They are considered passionate hunters. Birds mostly look for food under rocks and roots on the ground, but they are able to catch insects aerially.

However, it is not unusual for them to eat seeds and berries in colder months. Newborns feed just on insects.

They usually feed on smallish spiders and other minor insects. brigidsss

The lifespan of a bird is about 3.9 years.

Fortunately, the White-browed tit-warbler is not considered endangered species, so it's not threatened with extinction. They are a stable species.

The lifespan of a bird is about 3.9 years.amazing_birdworld

Besides their cuteness, they are also very polite birds.

Besides their cuteness, they are also very polite birds.GoodMornEveGoodNight

When it comes to cute little birds, no one can remain indifferent. Nature has truly endeavored to make the White-browed tit-warbler totally perfect the way it is.

The beautiful feathers of the rainbow colors stand out it among its kind. You just can not get enough of its magical sweetness.
