Tailgate Party Host Accused Of Ruining Tradition When He Asks Couple Not To Bring Their Dog

"It is always a hosts choice whether an event is pet-friendly or not."

Tailgate Party Host Accused Of Ruining Tradition When He Asks Couple Not To Bring Their Dog

A more than a decade-long tailgate party tradition is at risk of falling apart after a couple brought their dog. The OP, who owns most of the group's tailgating equipment, is not a dog person.

The 33-year-old OP's family, friends, and acquaintances started the tradition more than 10 years ago for their alma mater's college football home games. Over the years, OP accumulated thousands of dollars of equipment he hauls to every tailgate.

They spend their time grilling, playing drinking games, and watching football. A year ago, a couple he was acquainted with started to bring their dog to the group festivities.

They took photos of their dog on OP's cornhole boards or while it sat on one of OP's camping chairs. OP took an issue with that and asked the owners not to bring the dog next time, but they just shrugged off his request.

OP asked Bob, a friend who was closer to the couple, to talk to them about the dog. But Bob declined because he thought the dog was not an issue to anyone other than OP.

Besides, where they held their tailgates was a public space where the dog was allowed. OP reached his limit when the couple fed their dog one of the steaks he grilled during the last game of the year.

Everyone was welcome to the food, but OP didn't intend for it to be eaten by a dog.

Everyone was welcome to the food, but OP didn't intend for it to be eaten by a dog.NoDogsAtMyTailgate

He asked Phil to reimburse him for the steak their dog ate, but they never paid him back.

He asked Phil to reimburse him for the steak their dog ate, but they never paid him back.NoDogsAtMyTailgate

OP has been mulling over the idea of changing the tailgate location to a more private area. They would attract less crowd and the party would be less rowdy.

OP has been mulling over the idea of changing the tailgate location to a more private area.  They would attract less crowd and the party would be less rowdy.NoDogsAtMyTailgate

The usual group was split about the suggestion. Since OP has most of the equipment, he has them backed into a corner. Phil asked OP to reconsider but said OP was unreasonable when he brought up the payment for the steak. Should OP learn how to get along with the dog before the party is ruined?

The usual group was split about the suggestion. Since OP has most of the equipment, he has them backed into a corner.  Phil asked OP to reconsider but said OP was unreasonable when he brought up the payment for the steak. Should OP learn how to get along with the dog before the party is ruined?NoDogsAtMyTailgate

For those confused, a tailgate party is a gathering held mostly at the parking lot of sporting games. It's not a party of people driving too close to a vehicle in front of them.

For those confused, a tailgate party is a gathering held mostly at the parking lot of sporting games. It's not a party of people driving too close to a vehicle in front of them.lordmwahaha, Swimming_Possible_68

Dogs don't belong everywhere. Just because a dog can be at a tailgate party, it doesn't mean it should be at a tailgate party eating steak not bought by its owners.

Dogs don't belong everywhere. Just because a dog can be at a tailgate party, it doesn't mean it should be at a tailgate party eating steak not bought by its owners.Caspian4136

They didn't even bother to ask if it was okay with OP. They should have at least apologized and paid for the $20 when OP asked.

They didn't even bother to ask if it was okay with OP. They should have at least apologized and paid for the $20 when OP asked.SpookySparkle

OP is not the tailgate party pooper. It's not the dog. It's the dog owners who kept bringing their dog to a place where it made some people uncomfortable.

OP is not the tailgate party pooper. It's not the dog. It's the dog owners who kept bringing their dog to a place where it made some people uncomfortable.jmullin09

The people who told OP he should keep the peace can buy their gear, set it, and pack it up from now on.

The people who told OP he should keep the peace can buy their gear, set it, and pack it up from now on.mitsuhachi

Why would you annoy someone who kept the tradition going? OP didn't invest money on things to be disrespected by people who can't understand that not everyone loves their dog.

Why would you annoy someone who kept the tradition going? OP didn't invest money on things to be disrespected by people who can't understand that not everyone loves their dog.AChaseOfTheMondays

OP will have less headache to deal with once he moves location.

OP will have less headache to deal with once he moves location.RavenclawEC

Let this be a learning experience for the dog owners.

Let this be a learning experience for the dog owners.ATPVT2018, SpaceCookies72

OP happily bought food and equipment he willingly shared with everyone for 10 years. Not one of the friends, family, and acquaintances thought to check with him when the dog owners started treating their parties as doggy daycare.

OP did the civil thing when he asked the dog owners not to bring their dog next time because it made him uncomfortable. How did they conclude that it was OP who brought drama to their longstanding tradition?
