These Unsolved Mysteries Are So Weird They Will Keep You Up At Night
Warning: unexplained things!

There is a reason that mystery stories are so popular. People love a good crime or detective story, searching for clues, and trying to work out what the heck happened. In addition to a plethora of great fiction mystery stories that captivate us on the big screen or in books, there are also many real-life mysteries that are just as intriguing.
There are documentaries, podcasts and many exposes trying to prove the existence of the paranormal, and we love trying to rationalise something weird. These people shared their weirdest stories of things that can’t be explained on Reddit. Has anything weird like this ever happened to you? Let us know in the comments below.
Confusing, but also amazing
"Came home from work with a 12 pack of drinks. I was walking up to my door when I dropped said 12 pack, a bunch of cans roll out of one end so I stop to pick them up and put them back in the box.. But there are 13. No matter what one of the cans wont fit, and they were all clean, no chance of a soda just being left outside. I count 13 cans when I get inside. No idea how that happened"
Door to a parallel universe?
"About two years ago my sister was home alone while my mum was at work and I was at school. I finished early that day and was home at around 1pm. I was talking to my sister and she casually mentioned my mum came home for a while. Right away I thought that was odd because my mum works a few towns over and even if she came home on her lunch break she’d have to leave to go back by the time she got here but I thought maybe she had an appointment or something, so I asked my sister if she said anything. Here is what my sister says happened: She was upstairs in her room when she heard the front door unlock, so she walked over to the stairs to see who it was (the stairs were facing the front door so you could see it from the top of the stairs) and saw my mum taking her coat off and hanging it up. She looked over at my sister without saying anything after which my sister was just like oh ok it’s just mum and went back to her room. She also didn’t hear her leave. When she told me this I was pretty spooked because my mum wouldn’t have NOT SAID A WORD, she’d say Hi at the very least. I proceeded to call my mum to ask her if she’d been home recently just to make sure and just like I thought, she hadn’t been home since she left that morning. We still don’t know who or what my sister saw but I was afraid of being home alone for the next 2 weeks lol."
Okay spooky
"When I still lived at home and came back from a night out my mother would often be up reading & if I wasn’t too tired I’d sit with her a bit and chat before going to bed. This was regular occurrence for years.
A couple years after I moved out I get a text from my mom one Sunday morning asking where I’d gone.
Was a little surprised as I was just in my apartment.
She tells me that last night I came home late and we chatted for a bit and she was surprised that I had left the house so early in the morning.
Now occasionally, I would still stop by my parents place to crash for the night depending on where I was in the city but I’d always let them know first.
Figured my mom has just dreamt this. So I call her and explain that I wasn’t there & ask what we talked about.
She summarizes the conversation and gives me details about things she shouldn’t have known about my night out eg. What was going on in the lives of the friends I had seen that night.
Never figured it out but now my mom teases and says she knows what I’m up to all the time."
This would haunt me
"Personal mystery: 20+ years ago I had a very brief job selling gas services door to door (side note, I’m not good at selling things, especially those I don’t truly believe in). Anyway, as dusk just started to arrive, near 5 pm, I knocked on a door and an old woman answers. I gave her my standard “ we can save you $$ by switching to xxx gas, my we look over your latest bills and our offerings to compare?” She tells me “I’m sorry, honey, I don’t live here, this is my son’s house, let me get him for you” and I politely accept.
After maybe 5-7 10 of waiting, I think maybe they’d forgotten me or were trying to blow me off so I have one last knock and this time a younger man, mid-40’s I’d guess, answers and asks if he can help me. I give him the same sales speech and he stops me midway and says “now is not a good time, we just buried my mother today”. I’m apologized and quickly backed away. I tell myself it was a nice way to mess with the door to door guy but I really don’t know to this day."
I knew magic was real
"I once did a magic trick in front of 20 people as a teenager. We had orchestrated it, so there were 2 of us.
So the trick is, I ask someone from the audience to pick a card, hold it above their head in front of the crowd, but card back facing me, so the entire crowd sees the card. Now someone on the other side of the window behind the crowd also sees the card, and with the crowd facing forwards, they don't see him. So he plasters the card from another deck, on the window, and when he's done doing that, I throw the entire deck at the window, and lo and behold, their card is now stuck on the other side of the window.
What happened surprised not only the crowd, but myself and my co-magician as well.
I throw the deck and the EXACT card is not only plastered on the other side of the window, it is also stuck on OUR side of the window, right next to it. My mind was blown and I still can't explain it to this day. We played it as a part of the trick, so nobody in that crowd knows what sort of black wizardry went down that day."
That's so bizarre ....
So, my Mom's dad died when she was two. My Grandmom never remarried, or dated, so my Mom grew up without a father figure in her life. It really affected her, in a way that's really hard to describe, and still does to this day. She talks about it a lot, and tends to be very dependent and fragile, I think because my Grandmom raised her VERY sheltered.
My Mom kind of has this obsession with her dad, and is constantly asking my Grandmom and other relatives about him, and what he was like, which is understandable, but still sad. He died a long time ago (50+ yrs), so she only has a handful of pictures of him, which she really cherishes, all black and white. One of these few pictures was a small, black and white picture of him sitting on a porch with his mom, aka my Mom's grandmother, or my great grandmother.
In the picture, they were seated about five feet apart from each other, each on one side of the picture. The picture itself was in a small frame, on the dining room, on top of this weird desk/cabinet thing. It was on a shelf pretty high up (~5.5 ft off the ground), and recessed by about two feet because of the desk. I note this to emphasize that it wasn't like on an end table or something- it wasn't easily accessed. Behind it in the frame was a baby picture of my brother (you know how people will put a picture in a frame over another one, but for whatever reason leave the previous one in there, behind it?).
Anyways, one day, on my way home from work, I got a call from my Mom. She was really quiet, and distressed, and asked me, "Hey, did you do that to my picture?" I had absolutely no idea what the fuck she was talking about, so I said so, we moved on, hung up, and I drove home. When I got there, I asked her what she'd been referring to, and she showed me the picture. Holy shit.
Someone had cut out her dad, and his mom, and placed them side by side together in the frame. It was done very sloppily, and the rest of the picture was gone. The picture of my brother was nowhere to be found. We looked through the trash for the pictures (my brother, and the rest of the pic of her dad) and they weren't there. It was really bizarre. And, they weren't like, lovingly cut out. When I say sloppy, just imagine when you were a little kid, and had to cut something small out pretty fast, so you basically just got the general shape, and that was enough. I mean, a section of the man's head was lopped off.
After investigating, and asking questions, this is the information we have:
It wasn't me, unless I just randomly got completely black out one night, retained the motor skills to do something like that, and for some reason covered my tracks.
According to my mom, it wasn't her.
According to him, it wasn't my Brother.
It wasn't my Mom's fiancée.
Additional info: The four of us are the only ones with unrestricted access to the house, i.e. have keys.
Only my brother and I ever drink- my mom occassionally has a glass of wine or something, but shes really tiny and medicated, so she gets trashed if she drinks any more than that.
My Mom and Dad both think it was one of my friends from when we pregamed at the house one night, but:
A) I asked everyone it could have been, in a completely neutral way, and they were all baffled.
B) None of them were ever alone long enough to do that, let alone find scissors, pick out a picture, sdssdzcm one that is so clearly important (nice frame, black and white, not immediately recognizable people to nonfamily), and do the deed, without being noticed.
C) The sloppy cutting, and the way all the evidence was disposed assa makes it seem malicious, but they were slid closer together, so someone (presumably) knew they were related. None of my friends would have.
D) None of my friends would have fucking done that because it's rude, presumptuous, and weird as fuck, and we're all in our mid twenties.
E) We pregamed at the house once over break. One time. And, it was a pregame- there's no way anyone got drunk enough to accidentally fuck that up. Or, like I said, was alone long enough to do that."
This is definitely a ghost
"I have a personal mystery. When I got home from uni and before I found a job I had a period of time where I stayed at my family home. Due to being home alone often during this time I tended to be the one who collected the mail and did odd home jobs. One day we had a particularly large amount of letters and parcel (for my brother's birthday) and because two trips are for weak people I struggled and carried them all into the house. I managed to throw the letters onto the table but about half slipped onto the floor (this is important). Thinking screw it, I carry the box upstairs to the office and come back down to pick the letters up. Yet, when I come back into the kitchen there are no letters anywhere. Confused, I check every downstairs table and eventually the mail box. Nothing at all. Finally I go back into the kitchen and notice one of the kitchen chairs is slightly pulled out from under the table. I pull it all the way out and under the cushion on the seat is a neat pile of the letters. There was no one but me at home for a few hours before this. Utterly confused till this day."
That's so lucky...
"I was late for an appointment one day and was speeding up a hill with a big curve to the right, the direction I was going. Almost as soon as I got around the curve I saw there was an accident in front of me, blocking both lanes on my side. (Since there were only one or two other cars stuck behind it it must’ve just happened, because there were no emergency vehicles there yet.) To the right of me was a sidewalk where people were standing gawking, and to my left was oncoming traffic in the other two lanes, so I couldn’t go around it, and I was going too fast to be able to stop in time. I knew if I relaxed I was less likely to be as severely injured, so I quickly shut my eyes and relaxed as much as I could.
And absolutely nothing happened.
When I opened my eyes, I could see the crash behind me in my rear view mirror and I was continuing along an empty (on my side) road.
This happened about 35 years ago, and to this day I have no idea how that happened."
The Mystery Of The Missing Tater Tots
"We lived in a bi-level house with a chest freezer in the basement and the kitchen on the second floor.
When I was younger I was a teenager I was asked to bring tatertots upstairs so my mom could make a casserole. I went and grabbed them and came upstairs.
When I got upstairs the tater-tots were no longer in my hands, and my mom asked where they were, I thought I had just spaced out and forgot them. So I went back downstairs and they weren’t in the freezer anymore. Searched literally every square inch/nook and cranny between the chest freezer and the kitchen and they were not anywhere.
They never ever turned up. To this day my mom thinks I was playing a dumb prank on her. My most plausible explanation is that we live in a computer simulation and they got accidentally glitched out of it"
This is a nice mystery
"I bought my husband a watch for his 30th birthday engraved with his name. Not long after he lost it somewhere in the house. We searched everywhere for it but it couldn’t be found. Fast forward 13 years and my husband has a heart attack and dies instantly. Two weeks later our 2yo son walks out of the bathroom holding his watch. There are no cupboards in there- just a shower and bath. He’s very excited to have it and to this day, I have no idea where he got it from.
EDIT Thanks for the upvotes guys! I haven’t shared this story with many people because it sounds too crazy!I’m very much a realist- not a believer in the paranormal or the unexplained or ‘signs’- which is why I’m still amazed when I remember it happening. My son has just turned 8 and the watch is in safe keeping until he’s older. He and his twin sister struggled with separation anxiety for a couple of years after but are now amazing, compassionate kids. Their older brothers are just hitting adulthood & are becoming wonderful men."
The void exists in dining halls
"In college, eating breakfast with 3 friends. All have cereal with milk. One friend, K, also has a glass of milk. He’s seated directly across from me. I watch him pick up the glass and drop it onto his lap. It disappears from my view as it strikes the table. Absolutely no reaction from him. We ask K if he’s ok. K has no recollection of the glass of milk. We search the immediate area and no milk anywhere, no glass anywhere. 3 of us remember the glass of milk. K has no recollection to this day.
TLDR: Friend dropped full glass of milk into the void in front of 3 people and had no memory of it."
Free tortillas!
"I made chicken soft tacos for dinner last week. Halfway through cooking realized we didn't have tortillas. I sent husband to the store to buy soft flour tortillas. Dinner is ready so I tell my two teenage boys to dish up. Shredded chicken is on the stove. All the fixings are on the island including the unopened bag of tortillas. Husband and I wait in the other room for the boys to finish dishing up before we get ours because crowded. Boys come sit in the living room with two burritos each. Husband and I go into kitchen and grab plates. I reach to grab a tortilla... The bag is sealed. Unopened. I look around totally confused. Examine the bag, no tears anywhere. I look in the trash for an empty bag. Nope. Ask the boys where they got their tortillas. They both said from the bag on the counter. I asked, the new bag? My oldest says yes, he opened it. Wtf? Thanks for the 4 free tortillas, glitch."
"This is a personal one that happened not so long ago:
The first time my girlfriend and I went to a motel, she took her necklace off and put it in a nightstand near the bed. A few hours after we left, she realized she wasn't wearing it and must've forgotten it back at the motel. I called and no one from the cleaning crew had seen it. Well, tough luck. We just assumed someone found it (it had a silver chain and a somewhat expensive pendant) and kept it for themselves. The following day I went back to my home town (I live 2h away) and apparently that was the end of it.
Thing is, two or three weeks later I met with her again (we were just starting to see each other at the time) and since I'm from another city, I stay at my grandmother's house on weekends. Just as I was leaving the house for our date, I overhear my mother, aunt and grandma talking. They were questioning themselves about something they found and couldn't figure out who owned it. That something? The fucking necklace.
Apparently my grandma found it literally in the middle of her bed, strewn over the sheets. I took it and gave it back to my GF, who had bought another one after she lost it, so now she has two identical necklaces.
I've never been so dumbfounded in my life. There's no way the necklace was accidentally in my jeans pocket or something because it only re-appeared two weeks after it was lost. I would have found them in my pockets in the meantime. My grandmother had never met my GF before and there's literally no way someone could have found it at the motel and sent it back to us (because I hadn't given an address or a phone number except for my cellphone to the motel staff). And if that wasn't enough, why in the middle of her bed?"
I don't like this
"A little late but this story still makes me sleep with the lights on whenever I think of it. My sister and I were upstairs at my grandparents house where we lived. We were playing some Disney princess game on our TV. All of a sudden we hear a loud piece off glass shatter. It seriously sounded like someone dropped a chandelier. My uncle who was visiting at the time came sprinting up the stairs because he thought we were being assaulted. He checked in the next room that the sound came from and nothing had fallen. There were no glass shards anywhere. Kinda creeped him out as well."
"I was in NYC near Grand Central Station, and a pair of Hasidic Jews came up to my wife and me and pointedly asked me whether my last name was "Igor". I said uh, yeah? They said "we thought so." and walked away. I still have no idea what the context was nor how they knew my last name among a busy commuting crowd."