Artist Recreates Famous Cartoon Characters As Pin-Up Girls

Completely unexpected

  • Published in Disney
Artist Recreates Famous Cartoon Characters As Pin-Up Girls

We all sometimes imagine our favorite cartoon characters in different situations. Still, some of us do more than imagining – they create new situations and worlds for them.

Katherine Kuehne is a children’s book illustrator from San Antonio, Texas. Her work is centered around creating wonderful illustrations for children’s books, but to the online community, she is known as michA-sAmA, an artist who creates the most imaginative recreations.

She goes one step beyond the traditional and places famous cartoon characters in completely unexpected situations. Reimagining cartoon characters as pin-up girls is one of her most talked-about series. We have compiled a list of 15 of her best illustrations, and we hope you will enjoy them.

1. Maleficent

1. MaleficentmichA-sAmA

When asked to tell us more about herself, Katherine said:

“I’m a graduate from Texas State University with a BFA in Communication Design, and I’m also currently working on my K-12 teaching certification in Art. By day I work for an educational software company making illustrations and graphics, and by night I make everything you see here! A few of my favorite things include mermaids, manatees, Moomins, and all things magical!”

Her favorite movie is Moulin Rouge, which is evident in her work.


2. Cinderella

2. CinderellamichA-sAmA

3. Belle

3. BellemichA-sAmA

4. Tinker Bell

4. Tinker BellmichA-sAmA

5. Princess Zelda

5. Princess ZeldamichA-sAmA

6. Snow White

6. Snow WhitemichA-sAmA

7. Megara

7. MegaramichA-sAmA

8. Beatrix

8. BeatrixmichA-sAmA

9. Cruella Re-do

9. Cruella Re-domichA-sAmA

10. Jessica Rabbit

10. Jessica RabbitmichA-sAmA

11. Princess Daisy

11. Princess DaisymichA-sAmA

12. Cruella

12. CruellamichA-sAmA

13. Rosalina

13. RosalinamichA-sAmA

14. Pocahontas

14. PocahontasmichA-sAmA

15. Ariel

15. ArielmichA-sAmA