Mickey Mouse Calls Out Distracted Dad For Ignoring His Kid At Disneyland

Distracted dad at Disneyland gets a wake-up call from Mickey Mouse.

  • Published in Disney
Mickey Mouse Calls Out Distracted Dad For Ignoring His Kid At Disneyland

Public spaces can be crowded, but to ensure everyone is safe, we need to be mindful of one another. This applies even to places as enchanting as Disneyland, where children often get overly excited and sometimes forget to pay attention to their surroundings.

In such cases, it falls on the parents to step in and make sure nothing goes wrong. Today, we're talking about a viral video that caused embarrassment for many viewers.

The video shows a father at Disneyland who is more engrossed in his phone than his child, leading to the child being accidentally knocked over by none other than Mickey Mouse. Mickey helped the boy back to his feet but couldn't let the incident pass without addressing the issue.

The iconic character didn't hesitate to call out the distracted parent, earning praise from online users for doing so. Apparently, even the magic of Disneyland doesn't absolve parents of their duties.

A TikTok video that has since gone viral on TikTok and Reddit illustrates this perfectly. Viewers couldn't stop watching the interaction either.

The video, originally posted by the @kaylaontour account, has garnered an impressive 12 million views, with even more engagement on Reddit, making it a widely discussed incident.

Mickey shames a father for not watching his kid

Instead of keeping a closer eye on his child, the father had been preoccupied with his phone, and Mickey made sure to point that out.

Mickey shames a father for not watching his kidkaylaontour

In the video, we see a young boy running around Disneyland, accidentally getting bumped by the Mickey Mouse character

In the video, we see a young boy running around Disneyland, accidentally getting bumped by the Mickey Mouse characterkaylaontour

It's important to note that those wearing such costumes often have limited visibility, particularly when it comes to peripheral vision

It's important to note that those wearing such costumes often have limited visibility, particularly when it comes to peripheral visionkaylaontour

Because of its popularity, the park is often crowded

The park is often packed with visitors of all ages. This also means that the risk of getting lost or injured, especially for children, is higher.

It’s up to parents to take responsibility and ensure their safety, but not all parents take this duty as seriously as they should.

Because of its popularity, the park is often crowdedUnsplash

So, parents should be watching their kids closely

As one Reddit user explained, being at the park allows them to forget their worries and experience pure happiness. Many people feel that this sense of innocent escapism is what makes Disney and its parks so beloved.

After all, Disney is all about celebrating childlike wonder, where good triumphs over evil, and joy is at the heart of every story.

So, parents should be watching their kids closelyUnsplash

The video captures the moment Mickey Mouse gestures at the man, signaling that he should have been paying attention to his child rather than his phone


After ensuring the child was alright, Mickey nonchalantly walked away, all while onlookers observed the interaction. The video quickly became viral and sparked discussions about parents who prioritize their phones over their children.


It's devastating

It's devastatingkaylaontour

"I'm watching you"


It was a parent's mistake

It was a parent's mistakekaylaontour

And humiliating

And humiliatingkaylaontour

Well done Mickey

Well done Mickeykaylaontour

Dad is still clueless

Dad is still cluelesskaylaontour

It wasn't Mickey, it was Michael Mouse

It wasn't Mickey, it was Michael Mousekaylaontour



Safety should come first

Safety should come firstkaylaontour

A hero

A herokaylaontour

A little suspicious?

A little suspicious?kaylaontour

Great move Mickey

Great move Mickeykaylaontour

Mickey can get in trouble for this

Mickey can get in trouble for thiskaylaontour

Did you notice the lady?

Did you notice the lady?kaylaontour

"Sir, that is 6 flags behavior"


Places like Disneyland are often crowded with people, so parents need to watch their kids more closely. In such surroundings, it's easy to get lost or even injured.

Luckily, this situation passed without consequences, but it highlights that parents have the constant responsibility of taking care of their kids and ensuring their safety.
