Redditors Chirp In On Why It Is Common For People To Judge Dogs Based On Their Breeds

It is difficult to avoid the temptation to generalize about a subset, in this case, dog breeds.

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Redditors Chirp In On Why It Is Common For People To Judge Dogs Based On Their Breeds

The notion that you shouldn't judge a dog by its breed certainly goes without saying for those of us who have been fortunate enough to have a dog nearby for most of our lives. However, there is a widespread misconception among those who are unfamiliar with dogs that certain breeds are obligated to behave in a particular, predetermined manner.

The tendency to assign a stereotype to something we don't completely comprehend seems to be ingrained in human nature and impossible to overcome. It is difficult to avoid the temptation to generalize about a subset, in this case, dog breeds.

Due to the fact that many dogs are crossbreeds, it is impossible to predict a dog's behavior based solely on appearance. Just like in humans, a dog's personality will be influenced by a combination of nature and nurture, in addition to the unpredictable effects of a mixed genetic composition.

But back to the original issue, why do people judge dogs based on their breeds? This question bugged a redditor so much that they had to post it on the r/dogs subreddit page.

According to the thread, the OP has a dog and she’s a Malinois mix. She’s a sweet girl, but people tend to think that she’s aggressive, which wasn’t the case.

"If she's aggressive we will turn her away."


Is Lulu is aggressive and okay with small dogs?

Is Lulu is aggressive and okay with small dogs?u/rosendead

The reddit post gathered hundreds of comments from redditors as they could relate to the OP’s story. They made sure to speak their minds on what they thought about this breed judgment.

We've gathered up some of the best comments from the thread and they are full of insightful details so go ahead and read through.


1. Some breeds have naturally higher prey drives

1. Some breeds have naturally higher prey drivesKlutche

2. They are beautiful dogs who need a job

2. They are beautiful dogs who need a jobwlveith

3. People do this with their own dogs too

3. People do this with their own dogs tooIAmPandaRock

4. This is rare at a dog park

4. This is rare at a dog parkXA36

5. Those teeth aren't for show

5. Those teeth aren't for showlesbyeen

6. I never make any remarks to their owners

6. I never make any remarks to their ownersKaXiaM

7. The woman was pretty considerate about it

7. The woman was pretty considerate about itConclusionTurbulent1

8. It is not wild to assume

8. It is not wild to assumeIncompletePenetrance

9. You are responsible but many owners are not

9. You are responsible but many owners are notnotsure888888

10. It's all just to make sure your dog is safe

10. It's all just to make sure your dog is safeFlower-1234

11. It's so hard to try to explain to people

11. It's so hard to try to explain to peopleM-Rage

12. They are trained to be well behaved

12. They are trained to be well behavedpiman01

13. Don't get offended by people asking questions

13. Don't get offended by people asking questionsIjubaay

14. Some breeds are more aggressive than others

14. Some breeds are more aggressive than othersrobthmsn

15. Breeds are selected and bred based on certain traits

15. Breeds are selected and bred based on certain traitsramzafl

16. It can be annoying sometimes but...

16. It can be annoying sometimes but...InformalLight2634

17. Most people have no qualms about him

17. Most people have no qualms about himdcsorrell5

18. I don't blame anyone for making assumptions

18. I don't blame anyone for making assumptionsWuPacalypse

19. Let the comments go and enjoy your dog

19. Let the comments go and enjoy your dogYenyenyenyena

20. The breed is a very big factor

20. The breed is a very big factorClearlyNoSTDs

Whether you have a purebred dog or a mixed breed, how you handle and train your dog will have a significant impact on how it behaves as an adult. And that is one of the things that redditors pointed out, and we totally agree with them.

What are your thoughts about the topic being discussed? Drop your comments below and share them with your loved ones.
