20+ Times Marvel Actors Accidentally Spoiled Their Own Movies
Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo leads the count, evidently.

The Marvel bunch (Ha! Did you understand the reference?) is truly one of a kind—not only are they excellent actors, but they are also extremely talented in other areas. Most of them can sing, and most of them are unexplainably good-looking, charismatic, and so much like their characters on screen.
It's not a wonder that the franchise has been a hit because it's not only the storylines and the comic characters that came to life that made the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe successful; it was also the actors and all the other personnel working behind the scenes. And it did not become a success just because of their talent, but because of their personalities, wit, and humor as well!
Take Robert Downey Jr., for instance—everyone says that he's like the real-life Tony Stark, and what are the odds that Marvel happens to land the one actor that seems to be the perfect copy of a comic book character that first appeared in the 1960s? Well, apparently, Marvel truly has a knack for finding the perfect cast because Tom Holland and Ryan Reynolds are also some of the actors that are eerily similar to their characters in the MCU in terms of personality.
There is also one thing that the Marvel actors are known for—spoiling their movies. Tom Holland, particularly, is notorious for this, and Mark Ruffalo trails just slightly behind him. Whether or not they do it on purpose for marketing purposes, we sure can't deny that it's kind of hilarious when they slip up!
Sometimes, they tend to get a little too excited, especially when raving about their new movie in an interview or on social media. Check out the over 20 times that Marvel actors accidentally spoiled their movies below!
1. Just two days before the Avengers Premiered, RDJ let it slip that the cast would be together again that night to film one particular scene. The director, Joss Whedon, said at an Entertainment Weekly roundtable two days later, "Thank you for having every reporter ask me what we were shooting.”

2. Dave Bautista accidentally told Good Morning bretain that the Guardians of the Galaxy would be back in Avengers: Endgame. This was after they were snapped away by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.

3. Zoe Saldana hinted here that Infinity War was not the last time people would see Gamora.

4. Owen Wilson revealed that when he let it slip in an Esquire interview that his character Mobius had a mustache in Loki, he received a text saying, "Strike One."

5. Evangeline Lily seemed to have absentmindedly posted a script of the Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania on Instagram. Corey Stoll was tagged, which gathered speculations that he was going to return as Yellowjacket.

6. Frank Grillo decided to spill some spoilers, saying that, "I'm allowed to say whatever I want because I'm never doing another Marvel movie." He said that he would be returning as Crossbones in a flashback scene in Endgame.

7. Sebastian Stan once revealed that Michelle Pfeiffer would have a cameo in Avengers: Endgame. This was in 2018.

8. Elizabeth Debicki spilled that her character Ayesha would be a villain in the second movie of the Guardians of the Galaxy in 2016.

9. Chris Evans couldn't help but tweet after their filming on Endgame was wrapped; and this sparked speculations that he won't be returning to the MCU afterwards.

10. Ben Kingsley confirmed his return as Trevor Slattery when he attended the premiere of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.

11. Samuel L. Jackson straight up told Entertainment Weekly that fans would finally learn how his character lost an eye, in Captain Marvel.

12. Samuel L. Jackson, in the same interview, also alluded to the importance of time travel in Endgame.

13. Gwyneth Paltrow posted a story of her wearing a mocap suit, which spoiled her appearance in Avengers: Infinity War.

14. Paltrow also revealed that Tony and Pepper would have a child and have already been married in Endgame.

15. The ever-lovable Mark Ruffalo accidentally leaked the first 20 minutes of Thor: Ragnarok when he put his phone in his pocket, not realizing that he forgot to end his livestream. He was unaware of the whole fiasco, up until a staff reached out and said that he was still on live.

16. This one's a classic—Mark Ruffalo just casually says that everybody dies in Infinity War.

17. In a joint interview with Entertainment Weekly, Mark Ruffalo was narrating the fake scenes in the script that he was given for Endgame; he then slipped to say that Captain America was in a relationship when the movie ends.

18. Tom Holland revealed that his Peter Parker would be using mechanical web-shooters in a Comic-Con in San Diego, just before Spiderman: Homecoming came out.

19. Tom Holland accidentally confirmed two more solo films for Spider-Man when he was just promoting the first one. The other two weren't officially announced just yet.

20. Every Marvel fan remembers this—Tom Holland 'accidentally' revealed the poster for Avengers: Infinity War in a livestream. He didn't realize that it had, "Confidential: Do not share," at the back.
To make this whole sitch even funnier, just know that Mark Ruffalo sent that poster!
21. Tom accicentally reveals that Spider-Man was in space in the Avengers: Infinity War. This was supposedly part of the fake script given to them to avoid spilling spoilers but, oh well...
While explaining the fake scripts Marvel gives him to prevent him from revealing spoilers, Tom Holland revealed that Spider-Man would spend part of Avengers: Infinity War in space.

22. Another point for Tom Holland—he just accidentally hinted that he died in the Infinity War by saying, "I'm alive!" in front of people that he thought already watched the movie. Oops!
23. Benedict Cumberbatch was assigned to baby-sit Tom Holland and keep him from spilling out spoilers but was found unsuccessful when Holand hinted the that the Quantum Realm from Ant-Man would be a big factor in Endgame.

24. In 2019, Tom Holland spoiled Doctor Strange's appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Well, well, Tom Holland still takes the throne for being the King of Spoilers. But we can't really get mad at him—it's Tom Holland!

Oftentimes, it would be pretty annoying to hear spoilers about a movie or a series that you have waited for so long to watch, but if it's the actor himself spilling out the juicy details, it's just a whole other thing! Good thing Tom and Mark are likable enough not to be beaten up with their slip-ups.
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