Woman Confronts Entitled Mother Over Unusual Situation - Her Kid Crawled Into Her Bathroom Stall

"Her mom made a face and told me "so what? She has autism."

Woman Confronts Entitled Mother Over Unusual Situation - Her Kid Crawled Into Her Bathroom Stall

In our everyday lives, we deal with tricky situations and meet different people when we're out and about. Someone on Reddit told a strange story about a trip to the mall that reminds us of the unexpected problems we can run into when dealing with others.

OP recently found herself at a mall with friends and needed to use the restroom. She was minding her own business when she noticed a small hand grabbing the bottom of the door and attempting to push it open.

OP thought, "What the heck," but calmly said, "Someone's in here." The person, still with her hand on the door's bottom, began to shake it as the door was locked.

OP raised her voice, repeating, "Someone's in here." In the background, someone called out a name, and the intruder stopped. It was then that OP noticed a little girl crawling into the stall, all while she was thinking, "What in the world?" The girl appeared to be around 6 or 7 years old and had a cheerful smile on her face.

Reacting swiftly, OP got up, pulled up her pants, and flushed the toilet to prepare to exit. She firmly asked the girl to leave and inquired about the whereabouts of her mother.

The girl pointed to a nearby stall, and a woman emerged from it. OP glanced at her and stated, "Do you realize what your daughter just did? She crawled into the stall while I was inside. Can you please watch her more closely?"

The mother made a face and responded, "So what? She has autism. You wouldn't understand." This statement infuriated OP, and she retorted, "So what if she has autism? That's even more reason to be a responsible parent and prevent her from doing something like this.

I'm not angry with the child; I'm frustrated with you for becoming defensive. Please, don't use her disability as an excuse to deflect responsibility." With that, OP turned and left after washing her hands.

When OP shared the incident with her friends, they questioned why it took her so long, and she recounted what had occurred. They wondered if OP was in the wrong for not showing more empathy towards the mother.

While OP was at a mall restroom with friends, a young girl tried to crawl into her stall, despite OP telling her it was occupied.

While OP was at a mall restroom with friends, a young girl tried to crawl into her stall, despite OP telling her it was occupied.

OP was shocked and asked her mother to watch her more closely.

OP was shocked and asked her mother to watch her more closely.

Her mom defended her behavior due to her autism, but OP got upset and told her she should be a better parent, her friends think she is being insensitive.

Her mom defended her behavior due to her autism, but OP got upset and told her she should be a better parent, her friends think she is being  insensitive.

Having disabilities doesn't justify inappropriate behavior.

Having disabilities doesn't justify inappropriate behavior.

If she knows her child might misbehave in a restroom and invade someone's privacy, she should have taken her child into the stall with her to keep a closer watch.

If she knows her child might misbehave in a restroom and invade someone's privacy, she should have taken her child into the stall with her to keep a closer watch.

It's important for any 7-year-old, regardless of their situation, to have proper supervision in public restrooms for their safety.

It's important for any 7-year-old, regardless of their situation, to have proper supervision in public restrooms for their safety.

The mother should have been supervising her child.

The mother should have been supervising her child.

Parents should never use a child's disability as a weapon.

Parents should never use a child's disability as a weapon.

Parents are responsible for their children's behavior, including those with autism.

Parents are responsible for their children's behavior, including those with autism.

The mother is at fault for letting her child crawl on a public bathroom floor.

The mother is at fault for letting her child crawl on a public bathroom floor.

Not taking responsibility for behavior and blaming it on a diagnosis is not acceptable.

Not taking responsibility for behavior and blaming it on a diagnosis is not acceptable.

Parents need to pay attention to their kids in public settings.

Parents need to pay attention to their kids in public settings.

It's crystal clear that OP is not the one in the wrong. She handled the unexpected intrusion into her privacy with remarkable patience and composure.

The responsibility lies squarely with the mother, who used her child's autism as an excuse for her lack of vigilance. Autism should never be used as a shield to justify neglectful parenting.

Parents of children with special needs need to take extra precautions to ensure their child's safety and respect others' boundaries. OP had every right to express her frustration with the mother's defensive attitude.

It's high time people understand that being empathetic doesn't mean excusing irresponsible behavior. In this case, OP is most definitely not the asshole, and she should be commended for standing up for her rights and boundaries.
