People Are Sharing Photos Of Their Irish Wolfhounds, And They Are True Gentle Giants

The tallest dog breed in the world also seems to be the gentlest.

  • Published in Animals
People Are Sharing Photos Of Their Irish Wolfhounds, And They Are True Gentle Giants

Irish wolfhounds are one of the largest dog breeds in the world. They have a minimum height of 32 inches, and, on average, are the tallest dog breed.

Other species can outweigh them, though. They are tall and slim and require a large yard to run. They are great with kids, and very easy to train. They form a powerful bond with their family and other pets.

Because of that, they are always more protective of individuals than territory. They are breaded with the motto “Gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked” in mind, and nothing could describe them better.

We have collected some of the best photos of Irish Wolfhounds, and we know you are going to enjoy them.

1. Where is the kitty?

1. Where is the kitty?Reddit

2. At the vet’s

2. At the vet’sInstagram

3. With a teddy bear...

3. With a teddy bear...Instagram

4. "My Grandma And Her Irish Wolfhound From 1974"

4. Reddit

5. Driving a Miata

5. Driving a MiataReddit

6. Best buddies

6. Best buddiesInstagram

7. Resting…

7. Resting…Instagram

8. David and Goliath.

8. David and Goliath.Reddit

9. "17 Days After My Mom Passed From Ovarian Cancer, Her Old Irish Wolfhound Followed In Tow To Be With Her. I Miss Them Both So Much. Dogs Know"

9. Reddit

10. Can you put him back together?

10. Can you put him back together?Reddit

11. Compared to a pony

11. Compared to a ponyReddit

12. Looks like they’ve got it wrong

12. Looks like they’ve got it wrongReddit

13. Snuggling.

13. Snuggling.Reddit

14. Big boy

14. Big boyReddit

15. Best pals

15. Best palsReddit