Redditor Asks For Advice After Her Husband Throws A Tantrum In The Car Because Of Traffic
He started driving away from the event and their son started to cry.
- Published in Interesting
Reddit user u/ItsStormFox recently shared a post in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit about her husband's anger issues. The Redditor explained that her husband has serious anger problems and regularly sees a therapist.
Recently, the OP purchased tickets to a family event and invited her husband's elderly aunt. On the way to the event, traffic was very bad, and OP's hubby started to get angry.
He started becoming nasty towards the OP and their 7-year-old son, taking out his frustration on them. The OP offered to take over driving several times, but her husband refused.
His aunt became uncomfortable and tried to calm her nephew down, but when they were just four blocks away from the event, he screamed, "That's it," and turned the car around. He started driving away from the event, and their son started to cry.
The OP told her husband to let them out so that they could still attend the event, but he wouldn't stop and told her she was "acting stupid." His aunt defended him and told the OP not to argue as it "was not worth it."
After they dropped the aunt off, OP's husband told her she was an a**hole for not understanding his needs. He continued to insult the OP and refused to hear how disappointed she and their son were.
Because of his anger, he wasted more than $200 and upset the entire family. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.
The OP asked the Reddit community for advice after her husband threw a tantrum while driving.
Reddit/ItsStormFoxShe explained that her husband has serious anger issues, and during a family outing, he became nasty towards their 7-year-old son because of traffic.
He started becoming nasty towards the OP and their 7-year-old son, taking out his frustration on them. The OP offered to take over driving several times, but her husband refused.
Reddit/ItsStormFoxHer husband bullied the entire family but blamed his outburst on the OP.
OP's husband told her she was an a**hole for not understanding his needs. He continued to insult the OP and refused to hear how disappointed she and their son were.
Reddit/ItsStormFoxHere's how people reacted.
Reddit/fireflygirl01"He knows he has anger issues."
Reddit/Childe_Roland13"He was intent that no one should have fun."
Reddit/SnooDoughnuts4691"He needs to get over himself."
Reddit/natrldsastr"Self-centred, insensitive, and immature."
Reddit/peanutgalleryspeaks"Extremely concerning."
Reddit/TapReasonable2678"He's a child."
Reddit/lovely_aria_ann"What a baby!"
Reddit/Mountain-Instance921"He won't be motivated to change if you excuse his behavior."
Reddit/atmasabr"The issue is him."
Reddit/RSkritt"He is a bully."
Reddit/Glad_Quote_6087"He needs to get a grip."
Reddit/Kokopelle1gh"Get out for your kid's sake."
Reddit/angie1907"I feel awful for your child."
Reddit/SlowLikeGraveMoss"Seeing a therapist isn't worth much if he is still hurting his son."
Reddit/nmerald"He did this."
Reddit/WinEquivalent4069What's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP should have been more understanding of her husband's frustration, or was he wrong for taking out his anger on the family?
Either way, it sounds like OP's husband definitely needs some help dealing with his anger. Perhaps a new therapist is in order.
We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.