21 Of The Cutest And Funniest Photos That Prove That Animals Are Just Like Humans

Animals actually aren't as far off from humans as some might think. They're actually quite similar.

  • Published in Animals
21 Of The Cutest And Funniest Photos That Prove That Animals Are Just Like Humans

Animals are the perfect companion for humans because they are loving, fun, adventurous, and smart. Animals are so smart that they sometimes mimic what we do or learn some things from us that we may have never expected.

Some of you may have seen your pet smiling for a photo, trying to eat off of a plate at the dining table, or doing some other weird thing that might surprise you. Animals are extremely smart and living with us every day they are sure to pick up some sort of new habits and new talents.

Animals and humans have been compared to each other for a long time. Some of you probably have heard that we are actually descendants of monkeys, which whether you believe that or not, you can't deny that monkeys and humans do have some similarities.

However, monkeys aren't the only animals that have some similarities to humans. Even our pets like dogs, cats, rabbits, and lizards can act like us in some ways.

We have compiled 21 of the best photos that humans captured of their animals proving that they are a lot more similar to humans than we might think. Get ready to laugh, let's get into it.

1. I'm living for this though.

“My dog looks like a middle-aged man who just took his first selfie.” 1. I'm living for this though. euph31

2. This dog looks so sad.

This doggo looks like a heartbroken child, who just got to know presents were put into the stocking by mom not Santa2. This dog looks so sad. justsH1fty

3. This cat looks like me taking an order at the end of my work day.

3. This cat looks like me taking an order at the end of my work day. kirrk

4. Good to know that cats put up with toddlerhood too.

4. Good to know that cats put up with toddlerhood too.Valens

5. Getting ready for the day is her favorite part.

5. Getting ready for the day is her favorite part. bergalicious_95

6. "Meowahahah" is what I imagine him saying.

6. nooyork

7. This cat looks pretty similar to me when I do my makeup in a compact mirror.

7. This cat looks pretty similar to me when I do my makeup in a compact mirror. unknown author

8. Netflix and chill? Yes.

8. Netflix and chill? Yes. anyagrapes

9. It looks like he's conspiring an escape plan.

9. It looks like he's conspiring an escape plan. alrightmousey

10. This gives a new meaning to "duck face."

10. This gives a new meaning to grettaaa

11. Looks like kitty wants to go outside.

11. Looks like kitty wants to go outside.bigshrimps

12. Actual photo of me in the morning in bed.

12. Actual photo of me in the morning in bed. rexiecat

13. I'd say he got a full ride to Harvard.

13. I'd say he got a full ride to Harvard. SankiKing

14. This expression is very... expressive?

14. This expression is very... expressive?CharlyannaC

15. How adults look drowning in bills and problems.

15. How adults look drowning in bills and problems. Naspbeats

16. Someone book her a modeling gig.

“My cat looks like she just broke up with a guy and is trying to remind him who he lost.” 16. Someone book her a modeling gig. exiecat

17. When you're trying not to laugh in a serious situation.

17. When you're trying not to laugh in a serious situation. Denis335462

18. Just a cow enjoying the ocean.

18. Just a cow enjoying the ocean. staruxa111

19. Me 2 minutes into the movie.

19. Me 2 minutes into the movie. Happy Cats

20. This bird is enjoying its shower.

20. This bird is enjoying its shower. loderman

21. Awwww, animal love.

21. Awwww, animal love. notpreposterous

I'm definitely convinced that animals and humans have more in common than we might think. They definitely know how to show their emotions to us.

Some of the expressions of these animals are just too funny and almost resemble us a little bit too much. What do you think about these funny animals who are a bit too similar to humans?
