Hotel Staff Calls The Cops On Woman's Colleague After A "Prank" Where He Pretended To Be A Creepy Killer

What do you call pranks that aren't at all funny?

Hotel Staff Calls The Cops On Woman's Colleague After A "Prank" Where He Pretended To Be A Creepy Killer

What is with the sudden uptick in rude, hurtful, and unfunny pranks on the internet? When did hurting strangers and friends become the norm for a few internet points?

So many channels make money off of humiliating each other through childish pranks and I honestly don't understand the reason behind it. You wouldn't think that these types of pranks are that big of a deal until you become the unwitting target.

A young woman was the recent subject of a prank at her workplace. She works as a front desk clerk for a hotel.

OP (original poster) works the night shift but not alone. She is typically accompanied by her 30-year-old male coworker who wasn't around this specific night.

OP was all alone and it was 2 o'clock in the morning. She noticed a figure in the dark parking lot; the lighting is atrocious but OP can see a little bit from where she is stationed in the lobby.

This person was just standing in the dark parking lot and not moving for about 10 minutes. OP, of course, found this strange and it creeped her out.

Suddenly the person moved as if he was calling someone. The hotel lobby's phone rang and OP heard the following terrifying declaration: "Five buried, none found," in a low voice then the call was dropped.

OP got scared and she ran to the back to call 911

She explained to the operator the strange events of the night. Thankfully, they sent a couple of cops to check on the situation.

The cops talked to the person in the parking lot. One officer stayed with the strange person while the other went to the lobby to talk to OP.

The officer told OP that the parking lot person was claiming he was a hotel staff. OP got even more confused by this but she admitted that she didn't see the person's face.

The other police officer escorted the strange person to the lobby. OP finally saw that the creepy person was her 30-year-old coworker who is now angry.

He said he wouldn't have pranked OP if he knew she was going to have him arrested. OP didn't press any charges against her colleague but she did tell her manager about the night's events.

That incident happened a few days ago but her other colleagues are distancing themselves from OP. She's guessing that the male coworker told everyone about what happened and the consensus is OP is not a good sport.

OP got scared and she ran to the back to call 911throwawayclerk24638

Was OP wrong for calling the cops on her coworker for a terrifying prank gone wrong? Read the full post below:

Was OP wrong for calling the cops on her coworker for a terrifying prank gone wrong? Read the full post below:throwawayclerk24638

His plan backfired so he's now lashing out. If it's possible, OP should be more scared of him now.

His plan backfired so he's now lashing out. If it's possible, OP should be more scared of him now.Biteme75

Why would he want to scare OP into quitting?

Why would he want to scare OP into quitting?throwawayclerk24638

Anyone in their right mind would have reacted the same way OP did

Anyone in their right mind would have reacted the same way OP didLadyBloo

Your safety should come first and if your workplace thinks otherwise, you should start looking for a new job

Your safety should come first and if your workplace thinks otherwise, you should start looking for a new joblktn62, LadyBloo

OP needs a paper trail now and she should immediately go to HR to have everything put into writing

OP needs a paper trail now and she should immediately go to HR to have everything put into writingsmokinbbq

By any standard, this wasn't a prank

By any standard, this wasn't a prankCSCasper

When OP files a complaint to their company's HR, she shouldn't use the term 'prank'

When OP files a complaint to their company's HR, she shouldn't use the term 'prank'Atty_Aveline

'Harassment' is a more fitting term, no?

'Harassment' is a more fitting term, no?Neenknits

OP is being made to believe that she overreacted. Her other coworkers are jerks, too for ostracizing OP after the incident

OP is being made to believe that she overreacted. Her other coworkers are jerks, too for ostracizing OP after the incidentWolfShaman

OP should file a complaint but she shouldn't retaliate in any shape, way, or form

OP should file a complaint but she shouldn't retaliate in any shape, way, or formAtty_Aveline

What the "prankster" did was absolute serial killer behavior

What the leftclicksq2

As someone who has also watched too many episodes of Criminal Minds, a lot of the killers have a similar M.O. to this guy

As someone who has also watched too many episodes of Criminal Minds, a lot of the killers have a similar M.O. to this guyDNorthman

Him saying it was a prank was a cop-out in case OP didn't go along with his idea of a joke

Him saying it was a prank was a cop-out in case OP didn't go along with his idea of a jokeCrimeAid

What made him think this was okay?

What made him think this was okay?MaxPower637

If OP didn't act fast, he could have escalated things and terrorized her for longer than just one night

If OP didn't act fast, he could have escalated things and terrorized her for longer than just one nightxenedra0

Have to agree with this one

Have to agree with this oneMissionRevolution306

Then making it seem like OP is the bad guy for reacting appropriately

Then making it seem like OP is the bad guy for reacting appropriatelyCrimeAid

OP had no idea that the guy was her coworker. To OP, he was a real threat and calling the police was the correct course of action.

OP had no idea that the guy was her coworker. To OP, he was a real threat and calling the police was the correct course of action.LunaMissions0504

This can't be said enough. Women are terrified to even go on jogs alone or walk on a deserted street. Safety is not a joke.

This can't be said enough. Women are terrified to even go on jogs alone or walk on a deserted street. Safety is not a joke.theresbeans

There's a show on Netflix where people pull pranks on unassuming strangers. It's not funny; the only acceptable prank show is "Just For Laughs Gags."

OP shouldn't have gone through something like this at her workplace. What her coworker did was unprofessional and downright terrifying and OP isn't overreacting when she called the cops. Period.
