Hilarious Boss Memes You Can Look At While You're At Work (Probably)

You're already looking at memes during your work hours so they might as well be about them

  • Published in Funny
Hilarious Boss Memes You Can Look At While You're At Work (Probably)

The relationship between employees and bosses is often quite complicated, it's usually due to the complex nature of the factors that resulted in those two people being part of each other's lives.

It's pretty common for employees to hate their bosses, mainly because no one does their job as they're supposed to and because bosses expect everything to be perfect since they pay you and that's obviously impossible.

If you already spend most of your time looking at memes while at work, this is a perfect opportunity to customize your meme viewing sessions and make them about the person whose money you're wasting right now after clicking on this article.

Say it like it is

Say it like it is

I'm obviously hospitalized

I'm obviously hospitalized

You got me there

You got me there

It's Wednesday Tacos

It's Wednesday Tacos

When you hate your job with a passion

When you hate your job with a passion

By the end of this article get ready for your prize

By the end of this article get ready for your prize

Totally working very hard

Totally working very hard

*High Five*

*High Five*

Hope you understand

Hope you understand

Leave me alone please

Leave me alone please

It needs more zeros

It needs more zeros

Lemme stop you there boss

Lemme stop you there boss

I'm a good employee I always do what I'm asked

I'm a good employee I always do what I'm asked

It will also be my idea to kick your a$$

It will also be my idea to kick your a$$

Obviously not

Obviously not