Young Woman Finds Out Her Estranged Half-Sister "Stole" Her Life Story And Passed It Off As Hers To Avoid Revealing She Was Affair Child

"They think she stayed in contact with Dad’s family, that she went to the schools and university and basically lived the life I did."

Young Woman Finds Out Her Estranged Half-Sister "Stole" Her Life Story And Passed It Off As Hers To Avoid Revealing She Was Affair Child

half-A short conversation with her estranged half-sister's fiancé left a 25-year-old Redditor baffled. OP and her half-sister, Hannah, have never had a relationship.

Hannah was the result of an affair OP's father had. The drama around that made it difficult for OP to have any relationship with her half-sister.

When Hannah was 16, she tirelessly tried to connect with OP via social media. OP didn't reciprocate her sister's efforts until Hannah ceased contacting her four years later.

OP was reminded of Hannah when the latter reached out to discuss her recent engagement. Hannah invited OP to her engagement party and asked for the contact information of their paternal relatives.

OP declined Hannah's invitation but asked their relatives if they wanted to get in touch with her half-sister. OP relayed their refusal to Hannah and thought that was the end of their brief online reunion.

A week later, OP received a message from Hannah's fiancé. He said he understood that it was tough for OP to be a product of an affair.

He also got why OP was jealous of Hannah after being shunned by their relatives. He said Hannah only ever wanted to have a relationship with OP and felt terrible about how their family treated OP.

OP was upset, but she was mostly confused. Hannah's fiancé had the flipped version of the story.

OP sent screenshots of the confusing messages to Hannah. She admitted that she misrepresented their story to her fiancé and his family.

OP sent screenshots of the confusing messages to Hannah. She admitted that she misrepresented their story to her fiancé and his family.u/halfstolenlife

She co-opted the life that OP lived. She talked about OP's life as if it was hers. OP didn't engage and told her sister to stop lying, or else she would tell her future in-laws the truth.

She co-opted the life that OP lived. She talked about OP's life as if it was hers. OP didn't engage and told her sister to stop lying, or else she would tell her future in-laws the truth.u/halfstolenlife

A few months later, OP got a new batch of hateful messages from Hannah's fiancé and his sister. They called OP a heartless b*tch for emotionally blackmailing Hannah's dad into not attending the wedding.

A few months later, OP got a new batch of hateful messages from Hannah's fiancé and his sister. They called OP a heartless b*tch for emotionally blackmailing Hannah's dad into not attending the wedding.u/halfstolenlife

OP got tired of fielding hateful messages from strangers she's never met who are convinced she is a horrible person. Would it be so wrong for OP to be candid with her half-sister's fiancé?

OP got tired of fielding hateful messages from strangers she's never met who are convinced she is a horrible person. Would it be so wrong for OP to be candid with her half-sister's fiancé?u/halfstolenlife

A commenter told OP she wouldn't be wrong if she were to set the record straight. However, they advised her to stop punishing Hannah for their father's sins.

A commenter told OP she wouldn't be wrong if she were to set the record straight. However, they advised her to stop punishing Hannah for their father's sins.ShenaniBatman

OP clarified that she didn't blame Hannah for what their father did. It was also clear from OP's comments that she didn't want a relationship with Hannah.

OP clarified that she didn't blame Hannah for what their father did. It was also clear from OP's comments that she didn't want a relationship with Hannah.halfstolenlife

Not a fan of irony. Why is OP a bad person for getting mad at people she has never met when Hanna's future husband and sister-in-law feel the same way about her?

Not a fan of irony. Why is OP a bad person for getting mad at people she has never met when Hanna's future husband and sister-in-law feel the same way about her?TREVONTHEDRAGON

Blocking Hannah and her defenders could have motivated them to find other means to harass OP.

Blocking Hannah and her defenders could have motivated them to find other means to harass OP.halfstolenlife

While earlier comments concluded that OP was indeed heartless, others felt OP was too forgiving of people who were disrupting her life.

While earlier comments concluded that OP was indeed heartless, others felt OP was too forgiving of people who were disrupting her life.mazzivewhale

OP said she wasn't passive, she just didn't have an emotional stake in the situation. Besides, she wanted to find the least dramatic solution to an issue that shouldn't have involved her in the first place.

OP said she wasn't passive, she just didn't have an emotional stake in the situation. Besides, she wanted to find the least dramatic solution to an issue that shouldn't have involved her in the first place.halfstolenlife

OP can accomplish her goal by sending screenshots of Hannah's messages where she admitted to lying.

OP can accomplish her goal by sending screenshots of Hannah's messages where she admitted to lying.Encartrus

If OP wants to wash her hands off of the problem entirely, can their dad intervene?

If OP wants to wash her hands off of the problem entirely, can their dad intervene?Worried_Blackberry39

From what she gathered, their dad doesn't speak to Hannah either.

From what she gathered, their dad doesn't speak to Hannah either.halfstolenlife

Based on OP's replies, she and her father do not have a close relationship. They speak and check in on each other, but they do not talk about Hannah.

OP also clarified that she didn't agree with how her relatives shunned Hannah, but their choices were beyond her control. OP didn't share how she would handle Hannah's lies after her post received thousands of comments and suggestions.
