Stunning Gothic Flowers For You To Obsess Over
The perfect combination of morbid and elegant: gothic flowers.

There are lots of different style aesthetics out there and most of us gravitate towards a fairly concise direction rather than take little dips out of everything. Maybe you're the type who is into pastels, or perhaps Autumn vibes rich in gold and red, or maybe even yet you're the type who digs those Boho styles.
No matter what you're into when it comes to aesthetics, you absolutely have to appreciate the Gothic one. It's a diverse and vast sense of fashion (and lifestyle) that can go in so many different directions... that is of course unless you're talking about flowers.
If Gothic is your thing than check out these stunning Gothic flowers.They're the perfect combination of gorgeous and macabre.
1. Hellebores
This poisonous flower is sometimes compared to roses but is definitely not related. Hellebores are actually in the buttercup family. The black variety of this flower is all the more fascinating knowing that it's as dangerous as it is beautiful.

2. Black Hollyhock
This gorgeous deep mahogany flower blooms in the summer, so it's perfect for your summer gothic wedding bouquet.

3. Baccara Rose
Have you ever seen a flower that more perfectly encompasses the gothic aesthetic than the Baccara Rose? I think not.

4. Black Petunia
The Black Velvet Petunia is actually very deep shades of red and purple but it appears black and that's why you're going to love it if you're into the gothic aesthetic.

5. Deep Red Dahlia
An utterly stunning flower, the deep red Dahlia can add a lot of elegant meets eerie to your gothic home decor.

6. Viola "Molly Sanderson"
This perennial flower is the talk of all who gaze upon it's appearance. It features near black petals, deep purple veins, and a golden eye.

7. Purple Calla Lily
A incredible statement flower, the purple calla lily is not a true lily but still a favorite of many.

8. Queen of the Nigh Tulip
Featuring deep maroon petals that are almost black, this late-blooming flower has won awards for being such a stunner.

9. Do you love these flowers? Here's a little more interesting information about each of these gorgeous species of flower.
10. Bat Orchid
When bloomed, this orchid flower resembles a bat in flight. What could be more gothic than that?

11. Black Pansy
Black Pansies are tall, 2 inch wide flowers with petals that bear the resemblance of black velvet, precisely the sort of thing a gothic loves.
