Karen Gets Upset After A Store Owner Refuses To Disclose Which Days And Hours His Employee Works

“She was immediately upset and quite adamant that it was unprofessional of me to deny her request...”

Karen Gets Upset After A Store Owner Refuses To Disclose Which Days And Hours His Employee Works

Employers often have access to all sorts of personal information about their employees. They are trusted with that information since they are deemed trustworthy enough and are legally obliged not to share it with second-party members.

Sharing information about your employees could violate privacy laws when it gets done without their consent. Additionally, it may violate an employee's employment contract or company policies protecting their privacy.

In some specific cases, it's necessary to disclose personal information in case of a medical emergency. The law can sometimes require employers to share personal information about employees; in this case, they have no choice but to comply.

A Redditor who goes by the username u/BringTheSpain made a post on the r/AmItheAhole subReddit where he explained how one customer asked him to share his employee's work schedule and then started arguing after he refused to do so. The customer's reaction made the user doubt the way he dealt with the situation, so he decided to consult with the Reddit community.

The Reddit community had a lot of different reactions to the user's post. Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post, and scroll a little further to read the comments from the original post. 

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/BringTheSpain:

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/BringTheSpain:Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

One customer was disappointed that OP's employee was not working that day.

One customer was disappointed that OP's employee was not working that day.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The customer did not take it well and continued to argue with OP.

The customer did not take it well and continued to argue with OP.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

OP thinks he might potentially be the a-hole for the following reason:

OP thinks he might potentially be the a-hole for the following reason:Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/BringTheSpain's post:

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/BringTheSpain's post:Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The world is full of dangers, and disclosing personal info can have serious consequences.

The world is full of dangers, and disclosing personal info can have serious consequences.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Companies don't go around sharing their employees' info.

Companies don't go around sharing their employees' info.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

It could be harmless but you can't take that risk nowadays.

It could be harmless but you can't take that risk nowadays.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The customer's reaction validates OP's decision even more.

The customer's reaction validates OP's decision even more.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Unless someone asked you to pass it on, you shouldn't.

Unless someone asked you to pass it on, you shouldn't.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The customer was definitely up to something.

The customer was definitely up to something.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The woman didn't have any creepy vibes about her, but you can never be too sure.

The woman didn't have any creepy vibes about her, but you can never be too sure.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

It's against policy and common sense to disclose that kind of information.

It's against policy and common sense to disclose that kind of information.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

“I think your gut was right. Good for you for protecting your employee.”

“I think your gut was right. Good for you for protecting your employee.”Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Customers shouldn't even be asking for personal information.

Customers shouldn't even be asking for personal information.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The customer could have offered to leave her info with Op.

The customer could have offered to leave her info with Op.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

It makes sense in some scenarios, but not in this one.

It makes sense in some scenarios, but not in this one.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

OP is allowed to set whichever rules he wishes for his business.

OP is allowed to set whichever rules he wishes for his business.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The customer's extreme reaction proves OP dealt with the situation properly.

The customer's extreme reaction proves OP dealt with the situation properly.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The employee should learn about this incident.

The employee should learn about this incident.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

“Businesses are there to trade, not tolerate BS...”

“Businesses are there to trade, not tolerate BS...”Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

OP did the right thing by refusing to share personal information about his employee. It would be extremely unprofessional to share that information with a random customer.

The employee should be warned about this woman to prevent any future issues. If you enjoyed reading this, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
