This Artist Redraws Disney Characters As Edgy, Rebellious Teenagers, And Fans Are Loving It

"Other creators also had the idea to give a makeover to Disney characters, so I wanted to put my own personal spin on it."

  • Published in Disney
This Artist Redraws Disney Characters As Edgy, Rebellious Teenagers, And Fans Are Loving It

It's fair to say that most Disney characters, while strong and inspiring, are a little "vanilla" on the outside. Of course, considering their audience is predominantly children, there is nothing wrong with that.

But it does leave us wondering what our favorite Disney characters might look like if they were a tad edgier. Well, artist Lexis Vanhecke has been giving some beloved Disney icons makeovers to make them look like edgy teenagers going through their rebellious stage.

Lexis has gained over 16M likes and 1.2M followers by sharing her work on TikTok. The 23-year-old woman from Ohio is actually an oil painter, but she enjoys experimenting with digital art.

1. Jasmine

v"When I begin a video, I don't have an end goal in mind. I think up the makeover as I go," Lexis explained.

"So, in a way, it's a surprise for me to see the end result as well, which is super fun!" she said. "People can see their beloved characters as they would look in a different time or place, and I think the curiosity of seeing more characters is what keeps them coming back and following my account."

1. Jasminealexiswithoutan_a

2. Hercules

2. Herculesalexiswithoutan_a

3. Moana

3. Moanaalexiswithoutan_a

4. Rapunzel

4. Rapunzelalexiswithoutan_a

5. Mulan

5. Mulanalexiswithoutan_a

6. Pocahontas

6. Pocahontasalexiswithoutan_a

7. Aurora

7. Auroraalexiswithoutan_a

8. Belle

8. Bellealexiswithoutan_a

9. Tiana

9. Tianaalexiswithoutan_a

10. Hades

"When I begin a video, I don't have an end goal in mind. I think up the makeover as I go," Lexis explained.

"So, in a way, it's a surprise for me to see the end result as well, which is super fun!" she said. "People can see their beloved characters as they would look in a different time or place, and I think the curiosity of seeing more characters is what keeps them coming back and following my account."

10. Hadesalexiswithoutan_a

11. Elsa

11. Elsaalexiswithoutan_a

12. Snow White

"I downloaded the application Procreate and started making portraits on there before coming up with the idea to insert a picture and draw on top of it," Lexis said. "I've always loved Disney, so I decided to give that a try."

"Other creators also had the idea to give a makeover to Disney characters, so I wanted to put my own personal spin on it. Although the other accounts I've seen have definitely given stylish makeovers, I've never seen anyone put an edgy spin on the characters, so I decided that would be my thing."

12. Snow Whitealexiswithoutan_a

13. Meg

13. Megalexiswithoutan_a

14. Aladdin

14. Aladdinalexiswithoutan_a

15. Naveen

15. Naveenalexiswithoutan_a

16. Cinderella

16. Cinderellaalexiswithoutan_a

17. Ariel

17. Arielalexiswithoutan_a

18. Alice

18. Alicealexiswithoutan_a

19. Shang

"When it comes to whether or not I consider my characters 'sexy,' well, it depends. I remake the characters in a way that I, personally, find fun and stylish," Lexis said.

"I do have a lot of children following me, so I don't want them to get too risqué. But, it depends on how you look at it!"

"A lot of my adult viewers do find the beards, piercings, and tattoos sexy! However, my drawings aren't so sexy that they would be considered inappropriate."

19. Shangalexiswithoutan_a

20. Prince Eric

20. Prince Ericalexiswithoutan_a

21. Tarzan

21. Tarzanalexiswithoutan_a