Absolutely Adorable, Snow-Obsessed Dog Emotionally Says Goodbye To The Last Snow The Season
Storm adores snow, so the end of the winter always hits him hard.

Each dog has its favorite season. Mostly, they prefer sunny days, but there are ones who also love rain.
Have you ever heard about the dog who adores winter? Probably not, but here is the one.
His name is Storm. From the day his family met him, he was fascinated with snow.
Every year, he feels so delighted for winter, and he spends almost the entire season outside, playing in the snow. He would never go inside if it were up to him, but as he must, he does everything in his power to stay outside as much as possible.
Storm's greatest desire is just to lie down on the snow all day long. In fact, if you ask him where he would like to live, he would definitely say Alaska.
Unfortunately, it's not possible, but his owner does his best to provide him with snow for as long as he can. As soon as Storm's owners noticed his love for snow, they began making him a snow pile on their deck every winter.
It has become a family tradition. With this clever trick, they ensure when the snow on the grass starts to melt, this snow pile on the deck lasts at least a bit longer, so Storm can have more days with his favored snow.
If you see how calm and comfortable he looks while lying in the snow, you'll understand the great love he feels. Here are his photos of enjoying his last snow this winter.
This is the Storm.
“In the winter, he spends 50 percent of his day outside in the snow and refuses to come inside. Much of the time, he is covered in snowballs and completely soggy by the time we can force him to come in.
He is always extremely morose at the beginning of spring … He definitely holds onto winter as long as he can.” says Storm's owner, Stephanie Larson.

This is the kind of love that everyone would love to have, and Storm has found it with his precious snow.

He could not be happier, look at his smile.

The last snow.
As every year, at the end of winter, snow must melt and this year that moment was extremely sad for Storm. The temperature in Michigan started getting higher, and he realized the last snow this year was one on his desk.
“He noticed right away since there was no longer snow on any other parts of the deck and minimal snow to walk in on our walks,” Larson says.

"He definitely holds onto winter as long as he can."

But the universe helped him keep the snow for a few days longer.
His original pile eventually melted and vanished, but seems like the winter also loves Storm. A couple of days later, it was snowing again.
So his owner made him another snow pile, and Storm got a few days extra with snow. It was a smallish pile, but Storms appreciates and treasures it anyway.

During the summer his family makes him ice baths outside, but it doesn't have the same charm for him. He just loves snow.
Larson joked, "Some [people] have demanded we move to a climate where it is cold year-round, like Antarctica". But if they do move, assume who would be the happiest family member.
