A Dog Becomes The Hero Of The Day As He Saved The Life Of His Owner In An Astonishing Way

Even though she was 88 years old, Gwendola was still in decent shape. She is living alone—well, just with her reliable furry companion close by her side.

A Dog Becomes The Hero Of The Day As He Saved The Life Of His Owner In An Astonishing Way

One of the most loved pets in the world today, and you would also concur, is dogs. There are more than 70 million pet dogs in the United States alone, more than in any other nation. 

A couple of years ago, Gwendola Johnson of Glendale, California, chose to give a lost dog a permanent home to settle down. Sandy has consistently been a loyal and protective dog since that time, but Gwendola had no idea that the dog whose life she had just saved would pay his debt in the same way.

Even though she was 88 years old, Gwendola was still in decent shape. She is living alone—well, just with her reliable furry companion close by her side.

Her legs, on the other hand, aren't as strong as they used to be, and this causes her a few problems. Like it happened the previous summer, when Gwendola got out of her home and, out of nowhere, fell to the ground.

Luckily, she got no injury, but she couldn't get up the rear entryway. Since it was a significant distance from her driveway to the street, the possibilities of somebody seeing her were really low.

But after staying there for close to an hour, Gwendola saw a sanitation employee, and she realized that it would be her chance, but the man was too far away to hear the shouts of the elderly woman. That was when Sandy stepped in.

A faithful dog is responsible for saving his owner’s life in a chivalrous way. The 88-year-old owner fell down the stairs and was not able to move.

A faithful dog is responsible for saving his owner’s life in a chivalrous way. The 88-year-old owner fell down the stairs and was not able to move. NBC Los Angeles

Sandy, the rescued dog, alarmed a trash collector and finally led him to her.

Sandy, the rescued dog, alarmed a trash collector and finally led him to her. NBC Los Angeles

Kirk White, an employee of Glendale Integrated Waste Management, was the man hauling the trash bins down the main alley. Sandy moved towards him and began to frantically bark at him.

Kirk had met Sandy several times, and he knew he was not an aggressive canine, so he speculated that something wrong may have happened! The manner in which he was barking was similar to wanting to show someone something—come follow me, there's something you need to see, "the man later told NBC Los Angeles. 


Sandy succeeds...

Kirk chose to follow Sandy, and he quickly saw Gwendola lying in the alley just before her step entryway. The man then assisted her with getting up and ensured she had no wounds.

Fortunately, the dog's endeavors, in collaboration with Kirk's choice to listen to Sandy, saved the life of the old woman! 

Sandy succeeds...NBC Los Angeles

A good boy...

Gwendola later said that when she saw him, she told Sandy to go get him, and he did. She added that Sandy was a good boy, and Kirk came directly up the driveway at about the ideal time.

A good boy...NBC Los Angeles

There is more with regards to this intriguing story in the video below!


Gwendola gave the dog a home, and the dog has become the hero of the day by saving its owner. This story demonstrates that being good pays and that dogs are great companions. 

Let us know your thoughts about the actions of this faithful dog. Drop your comments below and make sure to share with your dog-loving family and friends.
