Artist Uses Artificial Intelligence To Recreate Realistic Versions Of Disney Princesses

This is revolutionary

  • Published in Disney
Artist Uses Artificial Intelligence To Recreate Realistic Versions Of Disney Princesses

As cute as Disney princesses are, their facial features are far from reality, that's one of the reasons why we love them so much, they're so incredibly adorable that it's impossible for you not to like them. However, wouldn't it be awesome if we could see our favorite princesses with realistic facial features?

An artist who goes by the name Toyboyfan decided to give us exactly that, he called his project "In real life" and he uses his artistic skills, as well as artificial intelligence, to recreate Disney princesses from scratch and give them realistic features. Scroll them and check them out, they're incredibly good.

"For these A.I. edits, typically I start off with a photo of a Disney character and a photo of a real life person who I think looks like said character, then I put the two into the A.I. program that I use to merge the two together. Afterward, the result can look a little funny, so I take the resulting photo and combine it with another photo and so on until I get a somewhat realistic photo that kinda looks like the character. Then I will take the photo to Photoshop and start making tweaks here and there to make it look even more like the character, like changing the eye color or refining the face," the artist told Bored Panda.

1. Tiana

1. Tianatoyboyfan

2. Moana

2. Moanatoyboyfan

3. Kristoff Bjorgman

3. Kristoff Bjorgmantoyboyfan

4. Elsa

4. Elsatoyboyfan

5. Anna

5. Annatoyboyfan

6. Ariel

6. Arieltoyboyfan

7. Belle

7. Belletoyboyfan

8. Queen Iduna

8. Queen Idunatoyboyfan

9. Honeymaren

9. Honeymarentoyboyfan

10. Prince Hans

10. Prince Hanstoyboyfan

11. King Agnar

11. King Agnartoyboyfan

12. Ryder

12. Rydertoyboyfan