Confusing Dog Picture Inspires All Sorts Of Hilarious Theories

Lately, a photo of a dog has been trending on the internet and it's confusing a lot of people.

  • Published in Animals
Confusing Dog Picture Inspires All Sorts Of Hilarious Theories

The internet is almost saturated with dog pictures. Pictures of dogs are literally everywhere and it's definitely the best, absolutely no complaints from dog lovers worldwide.

Photos of dogs taken from weird angles have always been an interesting topic of discussion. These peculiar puppy photos sometimes end up creating the most interesting optical illusions, and social media users love to come up with their theories about them.

Lately, a photo of a dog has been trending on the internet and it's confusing a lot of people. Internet users have been trying to make some sense of this dog's weird picture. Each one explained their own theory by either adding a couple of sketches on top of the dog's original picture or by making a whole new sketch from scratch.

This seemingly terrifying picture of a dog became quite popular recently. However, it's definitely not what it seems like.

This seemingly terrifying picture of a dog became quite popular recently. However, it's definitely not what it seems like.

People were evidently quite confused by it:

People were evidently quite confused by it:



Internet users have even started coming up with their own theories:

Internet users have even started coming up with their own theories:

That definitely doesn't look right 😂

That definitely doesn't look right 😂

Everything's better with googly eyes.

Everything's better with googly eyes.

And finally, someone managed to come up with the most logical theory:

And finally, someone managed to come up with the most logical theory:

The owner later posted a picture of the same dogs from a a different angle, and as it turns out, the dog definitely has a head.

The dog only has three legs and it was licking its back in that picture.

The owner later posted a picture of the same dogs from a a different angle, and as it turns out, the dog definitely has a head.

Here are a couple of similar optical illusions that might also confuse you at first glance:


1. A man riding a giant dog

1. A man riding a giant dogVail

2. "My Dogs Appear To Have Merged This Morning"

2. NegativePitch

3. "This picture of a crow is interesting's actually a cat"

3. RobertMaguire_

4. "How Can I Teach My Pet This Skill?"

4. greeedy

5. "This Picture Makes My Sister's Yellow Lab Look Like A Polar Bear"

5. TomNJ

6. "Our Two Cats Look Like They Were Cross-Stitched Onto The Carrier."

6. Bombingofdresden

7. A dog that managed to grow wings

7. A dog that managed to grow wingsUkulele_Henry

8. Poor doggie got stuck inside

8. Poor doggie got stuck insideFizzgig11

9. What on earth is that

9. What on earth is thatdancingfool75

10. A dog/human hybrid, nice

10. A dog/human hybrid,

11. I wish this was real

11. I wish this was realJapas

12. "It's More Of Them Small Ones Dressed As A Big One"

12. upchuk

13. "Dog With Frisbee Lips"

13. bpkbpk

14. Evolution is crazy

14. Evolution is crazy

15. Beware of giant human licking dogs

15. Beware of giant human licking dogs

16. "Optical Illusion Dog"

16. chadwalk

17. "Was Taking Pictures Of My Mom Petting My Dog When..."


18. "Belching Rainbows"


19. I want one too

19. I want one too

20. "Took A Picture Of My Brother And Our Dog, Kind Of Strange Result"

20. winthepoo

21. That's what happens when you mix a deer with a dog

21. That's what happens when you mix a deer with a dog

22. "Wife's Second Picture With A Dslr And She Gets A "Perfect Timing" Shot"


23. A double headed dog!

23. A double headed dog!

24. "Go, Go, Gadget Neck"

24. Short_stuff

25. "My Dog Looks Like He Is Running On Water"


26. A giant Airedale guarding the children while they're playing

26. A giant Airedale guarding the children while they're playingMark McGrath

27. "The Accidental Giant"
