Woman Tells Her Boss That She Can't Work Due To Her Sister Passing Away But Boss Denies Her Request

Hilary recently recounted an eye-opening incident of how her supervisor reacted angrily when her sister was passing away and she couldn't be at work.

Woman Tells Her Boss That She Can't Work Due To Her Sister Passing Away But Boss Denies Her Request

Every day, individuals hear about workplaces that are poisonous. Hillary Zinks' experience, on the other hand, has demonstrated exactly how terrible they can be.

When Hillary was working on a movie set, she was phoned that her sibling had been certified brain dead. “She was completely unresponsive and the nurses were looking for next of kin to make decisions on her behalf if need be.

I was broken-hearted, frozen. I didn’t even have time to register all of this before deciding to leave to be with her,” Hillary told the media.

She did not think twice about going to see her sister. The director of the TV show's production department was extremely sympathetic to Hillary's predicament.

Hillary's second supervisor, on the other hand, looked less than pleased when she informed her of her sister's medical emergency and her failure to show up to work. As a result, she posted a TikTok video with screenshots from her boss's discussion, which went viral.

Employers must be wondering how this has become the norm for them. They place money first and don't stop thinking for themselves in circumstances where actual lives are at risk.

Everyone hopes this story will change the mindset of those toxic employers and make them more compassionate towards their employees. You'll learn several lessons from this story.

Make sure to leave your opinions in the comments box at the bottom of the page.


After hearing the devastating news, Hillary's first job supervisor couldn't have been more supportive.




Nothing as important as life

Nothing as important as lifehillary.zinks

Unexpected reaction

However, the director at Hillary’s second job, where she worked as a waitress, had quite a different reaction.

Unexpected reactionhillary.zinks



Am curious

Am curioushillary.zinks

Additionally, the author provided a few screenshots of her boss's conversation with her.

Additionally, the author provided a few screenshots of her boss's conversation with her.hillary.zinks



Early hours of the day

Early hours of the dayhillary.zinks

True compassion

True compassionhillary.zinks

We're deeply sorry

We're deeply sorryhillary.zinks

It's understandable that Hillary was taken aback by her boss's reaction to her absence from the office.

“I actually really liked that supervisor prior to all of this. She was the only one who had an interest in my outside life and would ask questions about my other career and my studio and my likes and interests.

I’m really sad how it all went down,” Hillary said and added that she didn’t expect her to say that at all. “I thought she would be very empathetic and understanding.”

It's understandable that Hillary was taken aback by her boss's reaction to her absence from the office.hillary.zinks

Server's outfit

Server's outfithillary.zinksz

Take care

Take carehillary.zinksz


After arriving at the hospital, Hillary resolved to do all she could to honor the memory of her sister by submitting her resignation letter.


Quitting strategy

As she was traveling to the hospital, Hillary said she was still enraged by their encounter. “I came up with the plan before I got to the hospital and then I was smiling because I know my sister would have gotten such a kick out of how I was going to quit!”

“She was crazy, possibly even crazier than me, ” Hillary described her sister, who died the previous weekend.

Quitting strategy hillary.zinks





Sister's reaction

Sister's reactionhillary.zinks

Hillary provided her boss' response in a follow-up video.

Hillary provided her boss' response in a follow-up video.hillary.zinks

Forced to resign

When Hillary resigned, she discovered that the manager who was furious because she didn't show up for a busy shift was no longer working in the restaurant.

Forced to resignhillary.zinks

Another experience

“I do think it’s common and it’s just sad,” Hillary said, referring to toxic supervisors like hers. “Jobs really think we are put on this earth to make them money and well, news flash, we aren’t.

I’ve had a similar experience to this when I myself needed to go to the emergency room during a shift,” she concluded.

Another experience hillary.zinks

Comfortable and okay

Comfortable and okay hillary.zinks

Lesson to be learned

This narrative was Hillary's way of teaching her former employee and her director a lesson as to how to behave toward their employees.

Lesson to be learnedhillary.zinks

This is how the public responded to the whole situation.

This is how the public responded to the whole situation.adam_h190





Ruthless bosses

Ruthless bossesqueencaramel3



People came forward to tell their own stories after Hillary spoke up.

People came forward to tell their own stories after Hillary spoke up..salty.blonde

Prove needed

Prove neededjaikax

Shot in the head

Shot in the headmorgan_dorothea

Mini attack

Mini attackcowluver222

Pick you up

Pick you upWitter Martin Joshua


Miscarriage Brook Nelson

You're fired

You're firedCori Killjoy Reed

Destroying him

Destroying himCarly Reigers

This is a workplace that either has little compassion or no concern for its employees. Why wouldn't they simply offer to help you cover up at work after your sister passes away?

This article also brings up another point. There are many people out there who are only concerned about themselves and how everything impacts them negatively or positively.

Too often most workplaces and relationships lack empathy for everyone because empathy isn't taught enough nor practiced in many areas of life.
