20 Of The Best Animal Tweets That Will Surely Make Your Day

Change your mood and forget about your problems with the help of these animal tweets.

  • Published in Animals
20 Of The Best Animal Tweets That Will Surely Make Your Day

A lot of unfortunate events have been happening around us lately. Whether brought about by the pandemic, a result of political disputes, or just with our usual day-to-day encounters, you might feel that you are carrying the world around your shoulders.

Well, that's okay because it does not mean that you are doomed forever. Be happy whenever you are confronted with positive things or receive some good news because smile won't cost you anything at all.

Do you know that viewing photos of animals can make you happy? That is a fact backed by scientific evidence.

Photos of animals bring about happy emotions that can help you in combating stress. How is that possible?

Humans are visual creatures. That means that the human brain is biased towards information that we can pick visually. A significant part of our emotions and brain is attached to processing information that we see.

So that explains why looking at specific types of photos is good for you. That means that viewing funny or cool animal photos, for example, can make you feel better.

Begin your day with these animal tweets that will surely make your day. You will probably end up smiling or even laughing your heart out loud. Stay safe and enjoy reading!

1. A seal in the office?

1. A seal in the office?


— Mx Charlie Rose 🦝🐀 (@aitomation) March 24, 2020 " target="_blank">@aitomation

2. And this fox just curled up for a nap.

2. And this fox just curled up for a nap.

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the sweetest lil fox sleeping on a tree stump in my parent’s backyard 🥺🥺 pic.twitter.com/nDlHrgdmfH

— Sara Ryan (@SaraReneeRyan) March 17, 2020 " target="_blank">@SaraReneeRyan

3. What do you think about this tiny gecko's costume?

Or, am I the only one thinking that the gecko has eaten another one?

3. What do you think about this tiny gecko's costume?

Tiny shedding gecko looks like he’s wearing a tiny gecko costume pic.twitter.com/quYgEZ126c

— little death (@dickerdness) April 3, 2020 " target="_blank">@dickerdness

4. This horse thought she had the yummiest snack not until her apple fell.

Zoom in the photo to see her exact reaction to it.

4. This horse thought she had the yummiest snack not until her apple fell.

My horses disappointment of dropping her apple... pic.twitter.com/9pVIBRvCya

— Ell (@ellenrebeccca) April 4, 2020 " target="_blank">@ellenrebeccca

5. Funny how this fox run away with the lady's phone and tried to bury it on the ground.

6. "Do I look exactly like this doggie cartoon character?"



— jelly jane 🍒 (@jellyisIand) April 9, 2020 " target="_blank">@jellyisIand

7. It looks like this cat is wearing a new shade of fur and she loves it.

7. It looks like this cat is wearing a new shade of fur and she loves it.

You guys, my black cat accidentally rolled in sidewalk chalk. pic.twitter.com/0HB0Hjb8v6

— Ian Dorsch (@IanDorsch) April 13, 2020 " target="_blank">@IanDorsch

8. My cat has been giving me this questioning look the entire quarantine period.

8. My cat has been giving me this questioning look the entire quarantine period.

This has been my cat’s energy during this whole quarantine pic.twitter.com/w4akIuhMRb

— quinta brunson (@quintabrunson) April 4, 2020 " target="_blank">@quintabrunson

9. "That's it, 100 brush strokes please!" This piggy loves being brushed all the time.

10. Is this a show of muscle strength? Imagine if Charlie happens to pass by about 20 more garbage bins each day.

11. The sweetest thing you'll ever see.

This kitty kisses back at her fur-mom.

12. Have you ever seen an astronaut dog?

12. Have you ever seen an astronaut dog?

This is Nellie. She’s an astronaut. Please don’t interrupt her spacewalk. 13/10 pic.twitter.com/h2An2AKuSW

— WeRateDogs® (@dog_rates) April 6, 2020 " target="_blank">@dog_rates


14. Puss in slippers.

This cat loves to walk around with her owner's slippers.

15. Is this really a dog or a toy?

16. ROFL!!! Thomas wore his owner's fake teeth!

17. The quarantine has been an upside-down world for this doggie.

17. The quarantine has been an upside-down world for this doggie.

Day 18 of lock down. Filled the dog with helium. pic.twitter.com/aiGEkhjwhI

— cluedont (@cluedont) April 8, 2020 " target="_blank">@cluedont

18. Have you seen the pug? If you do, then share this with everyone.

18. Have you seen the pug? If you do, then share this with everyone.

When you have found the pug just retweet ok pic.twitter.com/EISxlETNmP

— 🩺KᗩᘜᑌYᗩ🌸 (@yesworryya) April 3, 2020 " target="_blank">@yesworryya

19. This is what you call goats invasion, lockdown series.

So when the humans went on quarantine, the goats have decided to take over the place.

19. This is what you call goats invasion, lockdown series.

In the town near me (Llandudno) the mountain goats have moved further down out of hills and have started wandering around the town more to graze !! pic.twitter.com/m4dlp9Tydn

— sarah 🕸♡ (@VampireGhuleh) March 30, 2020 " target="_blank">@VampireGhuleh

20. Sweet victory! That's what you call strategy.

People are likely to smile at seeing pictures or videos of cute animals, especially if those animals were doing something surprising. We hope that this animal tweets compilation has served its purpose of making your day.

Never underestimate the power these tweets have. Simple as it may seem, it can work wonders psychologically.
