Redditor Asks If She Is In The Wrong For Firing A Babysitter After She Broke Their Microwave And Didn't Want To Replace It

"She said she can't afford to pay for a new microwave, I offered installments but that was still a no go."

Redditor Asks If She Is In The Wrong For Firing A Babysitter After She Broke Their Microwave And Didn't Want To Replace It

Being a babysitter is not only a job but a commitment to the safety and well-being of both children and the home they are in. It's a position of trust that parents confer upon an individual, believing their most precious assets – their children and their home – are in safe hands.

Even minor oversights can lead to significant damage and potential threats. So, vigilance, awareness, and responsibility in this role are a must.

Babysitters need to be attentive to every detail, ensuring the children's safety while also maintaining the integrity of the home they work within. Therefore, a Reddit user recently decided to fire her babysitter and wanted to check if she was right for doing so.

The OP explained she and her husband have two children who are 6 and 8 years old. The OP and her husband work full-time and sometimes hire a babysitter, a 19-year-old named Sam, for the weekends.

She is the daughter of one of the OP's friends. Recently, the OP came home when Sam was babysitting and found the inside of their microwave burned and malfunctioning.

The OP asked her children about what happened, and the older child said Sam was doing magic. The OP found out that she had tried to microwave a burrito wrapped in foil, which caused a fire inside the microwave.

After discussing with her husband, the OP contacted Sam and asked her to pay for the microwave replacement, given that she didn't even mention the incident. When Sam refused, they decided to stop hiring her.

Sam's parents believe the OP and her husband overreacted and should be more understanding since their daughter is only 19, and the microwaves are cheap anyway. But the OP told them if the microwaves are cheap, then they should replace theirs.

This has led to tensions between the OP and Sam's family, so she wanted some advice.

Here is the OP's issue:

Here is the OP's issue:Reddit

The OP and her husband occasionally hire a babysitter, Sam, for their two boys:

The OP and her husband occasionally hire a babysitter, Sam, for their two boys:Reddit

But the last time when Sam was babysitting, she broke their microwave:

But the last time when Sam was babysitting, she broke their microwave:Reddit

The OP explained Sam didn't tell her what happened, her kids did:

The OP explained Sam didn't tell her what happened, her kids did:Reddit

So, the OP asked Sam to pay for a replacement:

So, the OP asked Sam to pay for a replacement:Reddit

But Sam refused every compromise, so the OP fired her:

But Sam refused every compromise, so the OP fired her:Reddit

Sam's parents believed that the OP was overreacting:

Sam's parents believed that the OP was overreacting:Reddit

"She lied and tried to wriggle out of responsibility", explained Redditor


Firing Sam was the right choice

Firing Sam was the right choiceReddit

The OP can't trust her again

The OP can't trust her againReddit

"This could have ended dangerous if the microwave catches fire or so"


A Redditor suggested an alternative solution

A Redditor suggested an alternative solutionReddit

Redditors agreed with the OP that Sam should have told them what happened. She should learn to accept the consequences of her actions.

An excuse that she is just 19 years old is not acceptable. She watches their kids in their home, and she should be more careful and a trustworthy person.

Therefore, Redditors supported the OP and told her she was not in the wrong. But some of them also suggested finding an alternative solution, saying that Sam could work some extra hours for free and repay the microwave that way.
