Man Shaves Wifes Cat With Cat-Astrophic Results

To say she was hiss-terical would be an understatement

Man Shaves Wifes Cat With Cat-Astrophic Results

Redditors seem to be easily riled up by stories of animals or relationships. So when the user shavedkittyAITA brought his story about some conflict he was having with his wife and her Maine Coon cat to the Am I The A-hole forum, opinions came rolling in hot and fast.

Everyone is quick to negatively judge a person's relationship or partner with only one side of the story. And pet owners don’t get a lot of grace for any limits or mistakes they may make.

All this to say, OP’s wife didn’t really stand much of a chance with the AITA community. Although I agree with the ultimate judgment, some of the responses were pretty dang harsh.

It all stemmed from OP’s wife's Maine Coon struggling with constant hairballs. After attempting changes in diet, medications, and additional grooming, they weren’t having any luck with lessening the amount or frequency of hairballs.

Their vet suggested getting the cat a haircut, but OP’s wife was firmly against that. Even after several months of attempting to convince her to change her mind, OP could not get her to budge on her stance.

One day, after two consecutive episodes of vomiting, OP decided to take things into his hands and gave the cat a radi-claw shave. Keep scrolling to read the full story, and the responses, and check out the adorable photos of their cat that he shared.

After 6 years of owning their Maine Coon, she started having issues with multiple hairballs nearly every day

After 6 years of owning their Maine Coon, she started having issues with multiple hairballs nearly every dayshavedkittyAITA



They haven't been able to find something to help, and his wife was firmly "No shave"

They haven't been able to find something to help, and his wife was firmly shavedkittyAITA

OP started pushed more for the cat to be shaved, showing different cuts and styles, but still his wife would not budge

OP started pushed more for the cat to be shaved, showing different cuts and styles, but still his wife would not budgeshavedkittyAITA

One day, after back to back hairballs, OP took matters into his own hands while his wife was away and shaved the cat

One day, after back to back hairballs, OP took matters into his own hands while his wife was away and shaved the catshavedkittyAITA

According to OP, the cat has only improved since the shave, but his wife has had a major cat-titude over it

According to OP, the cat has only improved since the shave, but his wife has had a major cat-titude over itshavedkittyAITA

OP offers his stance on why he wouldn't be in the wrong: He's the sole hairball cleaner-upper

OP offers his stance on why he wouldn't be in the wrong: He's the sole hairball cleaner-uppershavedkittyAITA

Not to mention that the cat's health and happiness seem to have improved, but he wanted outside validation

Not to mention that the cat's health and happiness seem to have improved, but he wanted outside validationshavedkittyAITA

The top comment jokingly called out OP for lack of Cat Tax, but sided in his favor

The top comment jokingly called out OP for lack of Cat Tax, but sided in his favorMarc_the_shell

Long hair cats sometimes need a trim

Long hair cats sometimes need a trimgiphy

OP added an edit after many requests for pictures

OP added an edit after many requests for picturesshavedkittyAITA

Kitty Before

Kitty BeforeshavedkittyAITA

Kitty After

Kitty AftershavedkittyAITA



They suggest the wife isn't the direct owner if she doesn't clean up after her, and warned of the dangers of unchecked hairballs

They suggest the wife isn't the direct owner if she doesn't clean up after her, and warned of the dangers of unchecked hairballsmegaworld65

Maybe the wife doesn't have a lot of room for complaints with her lack of care on her end

Maybe the wife doesn't have a lot of room for complaints with her lack of care on her endsoze365

"If she wants a cat just because it looks good, she can buy a stuffed cat on Amazon"


Oooh, snap

Oooh, snaptenor

Since OP was the only one cleaning up the hairballs, he solved his problem

Since OP was the only one cleaning up the hairballs, he solved his problemlolliesandstuff

You shouldn't own an animal if you cant handle the basic care for it

You shouldn't own an animal if you cant handle the basic care for itodeorain



Plot twist: Wife is 9 weeks pregnant and is also throwing up daily

Plot twist: Wife is 9 weeks pregnant and is also throwing up dailyEat_Around_the_Rosie

Morning sickness is a lie, it's all-day sickness.

Morning sickness is a lie, it's all-day sickness.tenor

Long hair cats can get intestinal blockages from hairballs

Long hair cats can get intestinal blockages from hairballsBoliele

Blockages can be life threatening

Blockages can be life threateninggiphy

OP did the right thing by following the vet's advice

OP did the right thing by following the vet's advicealmaupsides

Avoiding cleaning up after her cat and not doing anything to prevent can be considered neglect

Avoiding cleaning up after her cat and not doing anything to prevent can be considered neglect1Tallboi

Part of owning a long hair cat is cleaning up the hairballs

Part of owning a long hair cat is cleaning up the hairballsBethany0821

One person rightfully pointed out how OP was TA for disregarding his wife after multiple conversations where she was clear about her stance

One person rightfully pointed out how OP was TA for disregarding his wife after multiple conversations where she was clear about her stanceHebroohammr

But really, they both kinda sucked in this situation

But really, they both kinda sucked in this situationabsitnomen

I feel like this is the best response to the situation.

I feel like this is the best response to the situation.giphy

And there were some strong feelings about OP shaving the cat himself

And there were some strong feelings about OP shaving the cat himselfGrodus5



Some REALLY strong feelings about shaving the cat himself

Some REALLY strong feelings about shaving the cat himselfsunlightdrop

Finally, OP gave us one last update

Finally, OP gave us one last updateshavedkittyAITA

Bring it home

Bring it homegiphy

They chatted over lunch and OP admitted to handling the situation poorly

They chatted over lunch and OP admitted to handling the situation poorlyshavedkittyAITA

And his wife ended up admitting she was being unreasonable and apologized

And his wife ended up admitting she was being unreasonable and apologizedshavedkittyAITA

OP was quick to set commenters straight about his wife

OP was quick to set commenters straight about his wifeshavedkittyAITA

He obviously loves her!

He obviously loves her!giphy

Ultimately, they've agreed to start taking their cat to a professional groomer for regular cuts

Ultimately, they've agreed to start taking their cat to a professional groomer for regular cutsshavedkittyAITA

I’m glad the cat is doing better, and that OP and his wife were able to acknowledge and own up to their mistakes. It’s a great sign that the two genuinely love and appreciate each other and their relationship.

Do you think OP was in the right to shave his wife's cat without her prior approval or knowledge? Were the circumstances extenuating enough to warrant going behind her back?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section, and be sure to share this juicy drama with a friend!
