Man Pettily Responds With Impromptu Guitar Concert On Porch After Neighbor Blasts Air Horn At Family Dog

"They like to take Bluetooth phone calls in their cars when they get home. I can hear these calls on the opposite side of my house."

Man Pettily Responds With Impromptu Guitar Concert On Porch After Neighbor Blasts Air Horn At Family Dog

Living next to folks who don't jive with your vibe can be a real drag. OP's tale is a classic example of how neighborly disputes can turn from annoying to petty faster than you can say "air horn."

Imagine this: OP and their brother, just trying to live their lives, are constantly woken up by neighbors who work night shifts. These neighbors have a habit of yakking away on Bluetooth calls in their car, right next to OP's bedroom.

Talk about a rude awakening!

Then, enter OP's dog. This furry friend starts barking at the neighbors' chit-chats, which is kind of amusing at first. But things take a sour turn when the neighbor starts blasting an air horn at the dog.

Not cool, right? OP tries to play nice, setting up dog bark deterrents, but it's like putting a band-aid on a leaky faucet.

Cue OP's brother, fed up with the air horn shenanigans. He grabs his guitar and amp, and sets up a personal rock concert on the back porch.

The result? A full-blown yelling match with the neighbors. It's like watching a tennis match of pettiness, with each side lobbing their annoyances back and forth over the fence.

Just take a look...

Two years in, OP lived with their brother—and their neighbors' morning departures for night shifts consistently disrupt their sleep.

Two years in, OP lived with their brother—and their neighbors' morning departures for night shifts consistently disrupt their sleep.Reddit

Neighbors' driveway is five feet from bedrooms; they make Bluetooth calls in their cars, audible even through the bedroom wall.

Neighbors' driveway is five feet from bedrooms; they make Bluetooth calls in their cars, audible even through the bedroom wall.Reddit

OP's dog barks at annoying calls; neighbor's response: air horn.

OP's dog barks at annoying calls; neighbor's response: air horn.Reddit

Bark deterrents installed, but the neighbor's rare outings for yard work and mail disrupt dog duty.

Bark deterrents installed, but the neighbor's rare outings for yard work and mail disrupt dog duty.Reddit

Dog bark deterrent battery died. OP's relaxing in the living room, and suddenly, here comes the air horn.

Dog bark deterrent battery died. OP's relaxing in the living room, and suddenly, here comes the air horn.Reddit

OP's brother's porch concert leads to neighbor's false accusations, calling him an "asshole" and insisting on bringing the dog inside.

OP's brother's porch concert leads to neighbor's false accusations, calling him an Reddit

Neighbor and wife, who had been hovering, storm inside. Brother contemplating daily post-work practice.

Scroll down to see what people had to say...

Neighbor and wife, who had been hovering, storm inside. Brother contemplating daily post-work practice.Reddit

Craft a masterpiece from annoyance: Take notes on the neighbor's phone talks, create a song, and have the brother perform it amplified.

Craft a masterpiece from annoyance: Take notes on the neighbor's phone talks, create a song, and have the brother perform it amplified.Reddit

Electric violin for the brother? Amplified learning curve—a special gift to share with the neighbors!

Electric violin for the brother? Amplified learning curve—a special gift to share with the neighbors!Reddit

New multi-effect pedal: the neighbor's wakeup call, now with added flair!

New multi-effect pedal: the neighbor's wakeup call, now with added flair!Reddit

Introducing the latest neighbor serenade upgrade: Now featuring awesome looping pedals!

Introducing the latest neighbor serenade upgrade: Now featuring awesome looping pedals!Reddit

Neighbor symphony, now with hours of perfecting the phaser for that extra touch of finesse!

Neighbor symphony, now with hours of perfecting the phaser for that extra touch of finesse!Reddit

Spy on their Bluetooth call, then crank up a loud chat with the brother. Neighbors will surely lower the volume next time.

Spy on their Bluetooth call, then crank up a loud chat with the brother. Neighbors will surely lower the volume next time.Reddit

New hobby idea: Bagpipes! Duet with the brother. Neighbors won't hit snooze twice.

New hobby idea: Bagpipes! Duet with the brother. Neighbors won't hit snooze twice.Reddit

Had a neighbor who aced the bagpipe wake-up at 7 am every Saturday. Fast track to mute mode for the neighbors!

Had a neighbor who aced the bagpipe wake-up at 7 am every Saturday. Fast track to mute mode for the neighbors!Reddit

Brother, go inside for a drink or bathroom break—coincidentally, the guitar might hit "feedback mode." Timing is key!

Brother, go inside for a drink or bathroom break—coincidentally, the guitar might hit Reddit

Twice the charm: Brother went inside for a break, and, surprise, the guitar decided to share some feedback. Perfectly timed drama!

Twice the charm: Brother went inside for a break, and, surprise, the guitar decided to share some feedback. Perfectly timed drama!Reddit

Wishing the brother a healthy break—whether a lengthy bathroom visit or a nap—during the "stressful" feedback episode.

Wishing the brother a healthy break—whether a lengthy bathroom visit or a nap—during the Reddit

Turn the tables: Invest in an industrial-size air horn, wait for their loud chat, and let the symphony of revenge begin.

Turn the tables: Invest in an industrial-size air horn, wait for their loud chat, and let the symphony of revenge begin.Reddit

Cut the niceties. Suggest the brother takes up the violin for a subtler touch of sonic chaos.

Cut the niceties. Suggest the brother takes up the violin for a subtler touch of sonic chaos.Reddit

Encourage them: Suggest taking up the bagpipes. It's like adult recorder lessons, with a bit more impact!

Encourage them: Suggest taking up the bagpipes. It's like adult recorder lessons, with a bit more impact!Reddit

Well, this was an interesting story. It is definitely a snapshot of how living next to the wrong people can turn your peaceful home into a battleground of petty one-upmanship.

What would you do in this situation? Comment down your thoughts, or share this article for all your family and friends to see!
