Contrary to popular belief that pigs are rowdy, dirty animals, they are actually one of the cleanest and most intelligent animals out there to have as pets. They are believed to be as intelligent as dogs and even toddlers, and they have a lot of social, mental, and emotional similarities like those of chimpanzees and dogs, which led experts to conclude that pigs are also cognitively complex animals that have great memory skills and a mind that can accommodate spatial learning.
They are happy-go-lucky, as well as sweet and sensitive. They also have a great sense of direction, and they can locate their homes even if they get lost at a distance.
Pigs have poor eyesight, but even with that and their lack of dexterity, they are still able to show excellent motor skills and can understand concepts. Even when they are widely depicted as greedy and selfish especially with food, they actually need a lot more than meals and water for them to be happy—they also need a lot of love and affection, too!
Pigs like to communicate with their body language, and you can most easily tell when they are happy or when they are unsatisfied. They are very intelligent, and they can express themselves in a lot of ways that you would be able to tell immediately what they are feeling.
That being said, pigs make great pets, and some people do prefer them more than cats and dogs. Some even like to care for them in the same house!
Just check out these adorable photos of pigs below to give yourself a boost of serotonin that you probably need!
If these didn't cheer you up, then we don't know what will! Pigs are definitely a blessing to this world, and whether they are raised for livestock or as pets, they definitely deserve a good life before they meet their demise.
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