Zoe Saldana Speaks Out About Her Negative Experience On The Set Of Pirates Of The Caribbean

One director has helped to “restore her faith in Hollywood."

Zoe Saldana Speaks Out About Her Negative Experience On The Set Of Pirates Of The Caribbean

We’ve all heard that actors can go through a lot when it comes to acting with different directors and other actors. There have been reports of great experiences from some, but that doesn’t rule out the negative experiences that have been felt by some actors.

In this case we’re going to hear about Zoe Saldana’s experience on “The Terminal” compared to her experience working on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” set. It turns out that there is more stress to acting that we might think and hearing what she has to say about it all just goes to show that you never know what to expect when you take on a role.

Pirates of a Caribbean is a popular movie series with tons of fans, but a large production like that can put a lot of stress on the actors and Zoe gives us a look into the situation and how this worked out for her.

If you’re interested in hearing about her experiences and what director helped “restore her faith” in Hollywood productions, then keep on reading as we give you a deep dive into what she had to say about what she’s experienced on multiple sets as an actress.

Zoe Saldana has worked on many different movie sets and experienced working with multiple different directors.

Zoe has worked with some of the most popular directors of all time and she’s been able to experience things that many of us couldn’t even imagine. She spoke out recently about her experiences as an actor and what director has helped to “restore her faith in Hollywood after not having a good experience working on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean.

She worked on the movie “The Terminal” not long after her first big-budget role in the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.” She’s been pretty open about her experiences on the set of the Pirates movie before.

Zoe Saldana has worked on many different movie sets and experienced working with multiple different directors.Getty Images

We wouldn’t have even been able to tell that she had a bad experience because of how good she acted during it.

“I knew with that experience the kind of people that I wanted to work with,” Saldaña said when talking about Pirates.

“The crew and the cast, they’re 99% of the time super marvelous. But if the studio and the producers and the director, they’re not leading with kindness and awareness and consideration, then that big of a production can become a really bad experience and you may tip overboard. And I kind of did.”

“I walked away not really having a good experience from it overall. I felt like I was lost in the trenches of it a great deal, and I just didn’t feel like that was OK,” she continued.

We wouldn’t have even been able to tell that she had a bad experience because of how good she acted during it.Pirates of the Caribbean

She spoke out about how her experience working with Steven Spielberg was completely different.

“I worked with Steven Spielberg eight months later, and he restored my faith that big can also be great,” Saldaña said. She mentioned that she felt “so good and so safe” while on set.

She even said that Spielberg would play music over the loud speakers in between scenes to make sure that everyone was “synchronized and on the same page” and this is also how she discovered the work of Nino Rita.

She quoted Spielberg saying: “In order for you to know where you are, you have to know where you came from.”

She spoke out about how her experience working with Steven Spielberg was completely different.Getty Images

It’s always interesting to hear what kind of experience these actors have in big movie productions, and after working with different directors, we’re sure that Zoe knows exactly what she’s talking about. Not only this but hearing her opinion on working with Spielberg makes us love him even more than we already did.
