TikTok Video Had The Internet Convinced That A Yorkie Doggo Gave Birth To A Kitten
"I thought cats come from cats not dogs?"
- Published in Animals
It's one of those moments where the adorableness overwhelms your brain and reason ceases to exist. That's what happened when California resident Lucero Hernandez Vil posted a video claiming her "Yorkie had a kitty."
It was all in jest, of course, but some netizens accepted it as the truth until their excitement abated. The "wait, what?" moment finally came in and the impossibility of it all kicked in.
In reality, the kitten's actual cat mom ran away after giving birth because it was scared of the dogs. The kitten was left behind but not for too long.
Lucero's Yorkshire Terrier dog recently gave birth to a litter of pups. They introduced the abandoned kitten to the new mom and she instantly took care of it thinking it was one of her own.
Lucero explained that the cat wasn't breastfed by the Yorkie mom. Instead, Lucero herself bottle-fed the kitten with milk formula to make sure it will survive.
The comments on her original video were hilarious. A lot of people were definitely convinced at first that Lucero was factually claiming that her Yorkie did indeed give birth to the lone cat.
Some were confused by the impossibility of it all but most were sweet messages asking for future updates about the kitten's condition. Lucero promised to film updates about the puppies and the kitten.
Here's the Yorkie momma who allegedly gave birth to the black kitten:
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviThis is when they introduced the kitten to her and look at the sparkle in her eyes!
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviShe immediately began grooming the kitten and taking care of it
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviHer litter of pups pitched in and made sure the kitten was warm enough to survive the night
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviLucero was worried when the kitten didn't show much movement throughout the night but she didn't give up on the newborn
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviYou can watch the video below:
Don't worry, you're not alone
Jenna BrownLiterally us after seeing the video. I mean, crazier things have happened, right?
Cara MarieConfusion was the theme of the night
AmesWe also got to see the suspected father of the abandoned kitty but unless Maury intervenes, we'll never know for sure
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviThe full video is below:
Luckily, the kitten survived the night thanks to Lucero's untiring dedication
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviSome commenters suggested to bottle-feed the kitty while on his belly:
Keeping up with the joke, Lucero posted a video of her chicken next saying it hatched ducklings. What do they feed the animals in this farm?
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviWatch the happy blended family of chickyducks below:
In a video of new puppies, Lucero's followers were still asking about the adorable kittty
Screenshot via TikTok video / lucerohernandezviWe are also curious about the cat slash dog
They\themLucero said that she had to give up the cat slash dog to someone else's care
Lucero Hernandez VilBut why did Lucero rehome the cat slash dog? How did the Yorkie mom take the news?
LaPendejaApparently, Yorkie momma got an infection and Lucero had to divert all of her attention into caring for her four Yorkie pups
Lucero Hernandez VilLucero had to give up the cat because she was too occupied with keeping the Yorkie pups alive. The cat slash dog also required a lot of attention and effort that Lucero couldn't provide.
She did what a responsible pet owner did and rehomed the cat to someone who can take care of it full-time. Go live a good life cat slash dog! You will forever be a confusing internet legend!