"Nice Guys" Never Miss A Chance To Hit On Random Women, Even When Playing Yahtzee

It seems like no place is off limits for finding love.

"Nice Guys" Never Miss A Chance To Hit On Random Women, Even When Playing Yahtzee

We're back here again with yet another awesome Reddit post, and this one is from the infamous Nice Guys thread, which is where people come to talk about the supposed nice guys in their lives or that they encounter. This thread is so fun to read into because so many people have had situations where they've run into guys who just think they're nice guys, but they really aren't.

In this case, we're looking into a post that was submitted by a woman who was showing off a conversation that she had with a man on Yahtzee, which is just a game, and in this game, you have a place to message other players, and it seems like this guy took it as an opportunity to shoot his shot. Obviously, we are surprised that someone did this on a game messenger.

Many people have had experiences like this happen where people message them on a random app or something instead of what would normally be done in a dating app or something. So, if you're interested in hearing the full story, seeing the actual text messages, and hearing what people said in the comments, then keep on reading as we dive into all the details.

OP posts these screenshots so that we can see what the conversation was that took place between the two of them.

OP posts these screenshots so that we can see what the conversation was that took place between the two of them.u/Swervemaster97

People definitely had a lot to say about this situation and what they should have said instead. Most of the comments were humorous to say the least.

People definitely had a lot to say about this situation and what they should have said instead. Most of the comments were humorous to say the least.YethFaru

There's obviously not a place where they don't lurk for it because apparently any messaging system is game to them.

There's obviously not a place where they don't lurk for it because apparently any messaging system is game to them.Sarcastic_Troll

Some people said that other games are actually even worse when it comes to games and people trying to chat with you in them.

Some people said that other games are actually even worse when it comes to games and people trying to chat with you in them.Night_Writing

Well I mean this is at least what he thinks but we don't think this is accurate considering the fact that he messaged her here.

Well I mean this is at least what he thinks but we don't think this is accurate considering the fact that he messaged her here.Queen_of_the_puzzles

This seems to be a trend that many people are seeing and unfortunately it seems like the guys aren't letting up.

This seems to be a trend that many people are seeing and unfortunately it seems like the guys aren't letting up.Lebender-Geist

Many people came to share their own experiences with things and just how their creepy customers have tried making moves on them.

Many people came to share their own experiences with things and just how their creepy customers have tried making moves on them.Flamaire

This definitely sounds like what most guys would respond with and tons of them actually get upset at women just for being taken.

This definitely sounds like what most guys would respond with and tons of them actually get upset at women just for being taken.Bluey0

Now this was a golden comment and we wish that more people would've upvoted it because the sense of humor is there.

Now this was a golden comment and we wish that more people would've upvoted it because the sense of humor is there.rorschaqued

It's actually quite sad because we're not sure why they have to jump on every chance that they get.

It's actually quite sad because we're not sure why they have to jump on every chance that they get.ski320

We loved all of the interesting comments that we got on this post because so many people made jokes and we loved it. We're sure that sometimes people get messages like this on games and other messaging apps that are not for dating.

Have you ever experienced anything like this?
